Ep 21: Bunny in Armor

Start from the beginning

The blue haired boy shook his head as he stared down at the card again. "I have no idea." He mumbled. 

Terriermon slides to Henry's side. While Gatomon jumped down from the jungle gym and landed on Blaine's shoulder. 

Henry sighed as he stared after Kenta and his friends. "Now that was pretty rude, wasn't it?" he asked Terriermon who was now by his side. 

Terriermon nodded. "Yeah but a card's a card, give it a swipe. " he suggested. 

Blaine shrugged. "Who knows how much power that thing could possess" 

Henry nods. "Okay" He takes out his D-power and tries to swipe it but it glows and won't go through.

He takes out his D-power and tries to slide it but it glows and won't go through. Henry removes the card from his D-power and stares at it again. 

"Uh, okay..." He whispered in disbelief. 

Gatomon raised an eyebrow. "What kind of card doesn't go through the D-power. It's obviously a fake." She announced as she scratch behind her left ear. 

Suddenly the card in Henry's hand flashed brightly, and in his hand was now the blue card. 

"Whoa!" The look of confusion was now gone from Henry's face. Instead the look of shock replaced it. 

"I can't believe it" Blaine said in shock. His eyes had gone wide seeing that Henry was now holding the card that caused ultimate digivoultion. 

Terriermon bounces up and down on the slide.

"Told ya so Henry! Ya see! Ya see! You should listen to me more often." He shouted happily. 

Henry shook his head. "I don't know, this is weird." He whispered. 

(Later that day) 

Later that night Henry's father goes inside the apartment. "I'm home" He announced to his family. A smile was on his face, as his youngest daughter raced up to him. She was holding a new sun hat on top of her head. 

"Daddy!" Susie said happily as she stood in front of him.  "Am I pretty?" She asked with a huge smile. 

Janyu smiles down at his daughter. "Pretty as a princess." 

Suzie smiles brightly as she turns around and runs straight for her mother. "Ah, mommy! Daddy said I'm as pretty as a princess." She said happily. 

Mrs. Wong chuckled a little. "Let me fix your crown, your majesty." Susie nodded and handed the hat to her mother. Mrs. Wong held up a pair of scissors and was about to cut the lose strings on the hat. 

"Uh, honey." Janyu started looking over at his wife. 

Mrs. Wong looked over at her husband. "Yeah?" She asked brightly. 

"Uh, by any chance did anyone from work call here today?" 

Mrs. Wong shook her head. "No, why?" She asked as she was cutting a lose end on the top of the hat. Mrs. Wong handed her daughter the hat and Suzie takes the hat and holds it over her head dancing and smiling.

Janyu shook his head. "Uh, no reason."

Henry comes out from the corner. And looks up at his dad. 

"Uh Dad, could you help me with something?" he asked hopefully. 

Janyu nods. "Uh, sure." 


In Henry's room.

"Okay, let me plug in my reader here. Mm hm." Henry's father plugs his reader into Henry's computer. And turns on his reader after a minute of waiting for it to turn on. 

He turns on the reader.

"What is that thing?" Henry asked staring at the reader his father was holding. 

"It's a, kind of a, high tech scanner. Well let's solve your mystery." He grinned.


HIs father look back at the reader. "The equipment's all fired up and ready to go. Let's see what cha got." 

Henry takes out the blue card from his pocket.

Henry holds out the card. "Here it is." 

Janyu nods and takes the card from his son. "Hm...okay." 

He puts the card in the drive.

"Speak to me, oh mysterious one." His father said to the computer 0's and 1's run down the screen. 

"What do those numbers mean?" Henry asked puzzled staring at his computer. 

Janyu shook his head. "Not sure yet." His eyes grew wide after a moment of staring at the code. "Huh!" 

Henry looks over at his father quickly. "What? What's the matter?" he asked quickly.  

His father shrugged it off. "I thought I saw something, but it's just a bunch of meaningless data, that's all."

Henry looks back at the computer.  "Huh, are you sure?" 

Janyu nods. "Positive, so tell me, where did you get this card?' He asked curiously. 

Henry shrugs as he answers him. "One of my friends gave it to me, why?" 

Janyu shakes his head as he turns off the program. "Oh no reason." He takes the blue card out of the device and hands it back to his son .

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