Luke can’t help but listen to the teens that sit behind him, the music that is playing around the field is upbeat, and then there’s Aries who is watching the football players warming up for the game. Luke almost wants to joke around with her but he’s stopped when the girl who’s sitting next to him leans over and begins talking to him. Granted, he still can’t hear as well as he wishes he could.

He almost wonders if the girl isn’t in fact talking to him, and maybe trying to communicate with Aries – she’s still in subspace watching the football players – and then there is the quick moment where the girl taps Luke on the shoulder, and he turns to her with an awkward smile in place.

“You’re Luke Hemmings right?” She asks, and Luke is surprised to say the least.

He’s in total shock, because he’s never really had this happen before, and she doesn't look like she’s messing with him. It’s kind of sad, he thinks, that this is such a shocker, but he can’t think of any other reason for someone to talk to him other than to mock him, or comment sympathetically about how bad he’s treated. “Yeah I am.” He finally answers, and she’s smiling warmly and Luke is trying to think if he recognizes her but he can’t place it.

“I’m Miah by the way.” She says as she’s bringing out a hand to shake Luke’s. Luke thinks this is way too formal for a greeting but whatever. His thoughts are interrupted when she says, “I've heard so much about you.” She’s super enthusiastic at that and Luke has to admit he’s thoroughly confused.

How does she even know who he is, let alone hear so much about him. He’s most definitely not the most important person in the world, people hardly recognize him unless they relate him back to Carver. So, this is completely new. He’s mildly confused, and he’s most definitely sure this is a prank now. Miah must take his silence negatively because she’s flushing out of embarrassment and repeating ‘oh, oh no’ and Luke adjusts his position so he’s facing her more.

“No, no, that’s not how I meant it to sound. Michael, uh you two used to be friends? He told me so much about you, and I really didn't mean to come off as a stalker or whatever.” She explains, and now it’s Luke’s turn to question her.

“Michael? As in Clifford?” And when she nods he feels nauseous and nostalgic all in one, and it’s a wonder he doesn't take off right then and there.

No one has brought Michael up since the two decided their friendship wasn't worth it. Luke can’t say it’s entirely his fault, yet at the same time he knows he’s the one to blame. And here is some girl who is talking to him about someone who is practically all but a stranger now. And Luke doesn't know what to say to that.

She suddenly looks sympathetic, and that’s exactly what Luke has been expecting, but it’s different, goes deeper and Luke doesn't have to imagine why she looks at him in that manner. “Hey, I’m sorry for just springing that on you. It’s just that-“ But she doesn't finish and Luke almost asks her ‘why’ but he refrains.

He reclines back in the uncomfortable seat, and the sun is sinking below the horizon at a faster pace, and he almost wishes he could count the minutes until it finally sets. Aries turns to look at him expectantly and he doesn't feel like talking anymore, not that he had in the first place. Everything is unfolding right at the wrong moment when he wants to forget, to escape the part of his brain that tells him that no, he wasn't forgotten, therefore he shouldn't forget.

Cheryl is pressing her way in front of Luke and he’s so glad she’s making Luke move over because he really doesn't want to think about any of that at the moment. “One for baby Hemmo.” She states proudly as she hands him the drink, it’s ice-cold and nothing has ever felt this great before. He’s mouthing a thank you, and she rolls her eyes dramatically but he knows she’s happy, and he can’t deny he is too.

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