[Chapter 12]

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A/N its almost been a week! I am sorry! I havent been feeling good nor motivated to write! but I hope this is okay. 

Namjoon POV

"Are you sure you are ready for this?" I ask him once again as we walk towards the school gates.

"They will find out eventually" he shrug and take a deep breath.

Jin had called me last night at 3 am, so we can also call it morning. He asked me if I would still walk him to school if he were wearing his outfit from yesterday.

I had told him that I of course would do that; nothing could make me not want to walk with him to school. I don't care what they are going to think.

Jin looks nervous, as he is stand in front of the gate, fiddling his fingers and biting his lips.

"Jin don't worry! You look beautiful" I assure him, letting one hand caress his cheek.

He nod and remove my hand from his face, holding it tightly while he prepare himself for what's to come.

"Well... Well ... Well" a voice sound behind us, I turn around, still holding onto Jin's hand.

I knew I found the voice familiar, and I cant say I am pleased to say who is standing right behind us. his arms crossed over his chest. Three boys behind him.

"I see that you have gone all soft without us" Jae hiss and start circling around us.

"Why is that any of your business?" I respond, not caring about them anymore. I gave up on them long ago! I finally escaped. I am not going back.

"You are ruining your reputation Namjoon, you spend years building up your character, why ruin it now for a boy in female clothing?" Uksung explain, hands wild in the air.

"First of all, yes I spend years becoming that asshole! I never wanted to be him! Secondly, Jin is not a boy in female clothing; Jin is a boy in clothes, nothing but clothes"

"Jeez Namjoon, you have really lost every piece of sense left in your brain" Jae says rather annoyed and walk closer to us.

Without thinking, I take a step forward to hide Jin behind me, not letting go of his hand for a second.

"Don't you dare touch him Jae!" I hiss at the younger male in front of me.

"Why are you protecting him? He is one of the reasons you are running everything! You are ruining all we had!" Jae scream.

"He is not the one to blame Jae and you know it! I chose to leave you guys! And I would do it over again" Jin pull me back closer to him.

"Namjoon" he whisper almost so quite I don't hear it. I look back into his eyes. He is scared. Why is he scared?

"I don't even know you anymore" Jae break the eye contact between Jin and I with those words.

"It's almost like... you are in love with him" Jungjeon look from Jin to me.

"He is in love with who Jungjeon?" Wookseong ask him, looking rather confused.

"Is Namjoon in love with Jae? Or is Jae in love with Namjoon? I don't get it" Wookseong add to his own stupidity that was still hanging as a question.

"No you idiot" Jungjeon hiss, slapping the back of Wookseong's head "Namjoon is in love with Jin"

He point at Jin and I. I can feel Jin's hand tighten around mine. I beg that my hands won't get all sweaty.

"Wait Namjoon is gay?" Uksung ask.

"Well his boyfriend look like a transvestite, I bet he is not even a real boy, or else he is just a trap" Jungjeon shrug.

"Be careful what you say Jungjeon" I hiss, staring the shorter male down.

"HE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND NAMJOON! WE ARE! WE HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS" Jae scream and run towards me, hands already in the air ready to attack.

His fist hit my jaw. I wipe the blood off my lip and elbow his face.

"Stay the fuck down Jae!" the other boys have no time to waste, they all run at me with clenched fists. The craving for blood is back.

"Namjoon! Jin-Hyung" Jimin is running with Jeongguk right behind him. Yoongi and Taehyung run after them as they realize where the two boys are heading.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM" Jimin scream as Wookseong hit Jin directly on his lip, making him bleed.

Jimin run to Jin and kick the man down while Jeongguk comes to my rescue. He put Jae in an arm lock and wait for Yoongi and Taehyung to do the same to Uksung and Jungjeon.

"I think you should go!" Jeongguk hiss into the older male's ear. Jae is trying his best to get out of the arm lock he is in. Jeongguk is stronger than him and he eventually give up.

I run to Jin and study the bruises on his face. Caressing his cheeks gently, trying to calm him down.

Jeongguk let go of the boy and nod his head to Jimin, Yoongi and Taehyung as a sign for them to let go as well.

Jae huff and walk away with the others.

"You two got to be more careful" Jimin laugh and pat Jin's back.

"They are lucky we happened to be around to save their asses" Jeongguk laugh and wrap one arm around my shoulder.

"Hi guys... wow! What happened to you two?" Hoseok just approached us, his eyes widen at the bruises that cover our faces.

"Just had to show some people who is the boss around here" Yoongi laugh and wrap an arm around Hoseok's shoulders.

"Why do you always kick ass when I am not around? I want to kick some ass too" Hoseok kick and punch the air in the most unserious way, making all of us laugh.

"I bet you could have beat them all, all by yourself" Yoongi laugh and put his arm back around the male. His lips are curved into a wonderful heart smile.

I look at Jin and smile.

I would kick anyone's ass for him.

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