Chapter 1: The Baby

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A/N: Helloooooo, I am Cryanide and welcome to my first story! please give it a chance, also Im not good with japanese names and culture, so if Masaki isnt actually a japanese name, I deeply apologize. Also there is going to be a non canon somewhat of a relationship with a character I made up for the sake of plot. Please forgive me if that isnt what your into. Anyways, enjoy!

The young woman carried the small bundle in her arms, shielding the young from the rain that pelted the sides of the buildings and pavement. she was to afraid to know what the young man may have thought if he found out about her. so she hid herself for nine months, until it was time to tell him. now was the time. she walked to the giant gates. she felt small in comparison to their large size.

They had agreed to meet outside the gates, she said that she had something very important to tell him.

The large gates opened, and out came the young man. He smiled wildly, hugging Masaki, but she pushed him away gently for he was probably crushing what she had holding in her arms.

"Masaki, where have you been? I have been so worried," Genji noticed the small bundle that she carried, "Whats that your holding?" he asked

Masaki came over to the young man, showing him the small bundle she held in her arms. it was a beautiful healthy baby girl. Her dark brown eyes shined, little tufts of (h/c) had already started to grow. she giggled happily as she reached for the young man.

"Genji, meet your daughter."

Genji looked up at Masaki, his eyes widening.

"D-daughter?!" he stuttered

Masaki looked at Genji with a smile, nodding.

"But we used protection! how could this have happened!" his voice raised a little, he was a bit more terrified then he was actually angry.

"Sometimes the protection breaks, it isnt 100% effective."

Genji started to back away from both Masaki and the baby.

"No.. No no no. I.. I'm sorry Masaki. But I wont partake in this."

Masaki's face contorted that into a face of disbelief.

"Gen.. Genji, she is your daughter. She cant just grow up without a father."

Masaki didnt want to believe in Genji not wanting to be a part in their lives.

"I'm sorry Masaki. It's bad enough I have to deal with my clan trying to turn me into something I'm not, but having something as unexpected as a child! I dont think i can deal with so much stress in my life. I dont need anything to hold me down, nothing! certainly not you, not Hanzo, or the baby!" At this point Genji was yelling at Masaki, the baby crying.

Masaki gently clutched the baby to her chest, trying to calm her down. She looked up at Genji, then turning away from him in disapproval, sadness, and disbelief.

She wanted to say nothing more to Genji, so instead she walked away from him, not even sparing a glance.

"Do not worry little (y/n). I'll take care of you."

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