She followed Harry as they walked into the lobby, where Niall was already, speaking a broken mix of both French and English to a woman behind a desk. A few minutes later he returned with one keycard and a disgruntled look on his face.

"There's some bloody fall fashion week happening at the moment," he grumbled, frowning over his glasses, "we were one hour, one hour, later than they expected us so they gave up our three separate rooms and instead they could only put us together in one."

Harry shrugged. Niall glared, eyes shifting uncomfortably to Elena.

"There's only one bed."

Harry sighed, picking up his bags from the lobby floor and handing them to the awaiting bellboy, "well, it looks like you're on the floor, Horan."

With that he snatched the keycard and strode towards the elevator. Niall frowned, faking confusion at El. "Did you pee in his cereal this morning?"

She chuckled, shaking her head as they followed. Niall grinned.

The hotel room was spacious, and Harry placed his and Elena's bags on the bed as Niall put his on the wide, four-legged sitting chair. Elena sighed, pulling her jacket off and opening the glass sliding door separating her from the balcony. She leaned against the balcony and looked out. To her left, the river was showing, and she smiled in disbelief that she was in Paris. The old European-style buildings mingled with a few modern ones. There was a sense of romance in the very air the beautiful city breathed, and she even smiled sadly, thinking of if things had been different, she could be visiting the city with a lover.

But instead she was with a devilish con-artist and a charming mafia member, and she...was a stripper.

"O-kay Dokey," Niall's voice rings from inside the room, his figure sitting itself on the couch with a laptop on his knees, putting a USB in the slot and typing away. He called for Harry, and soon he was sitting on the bed as Elena came to sit beside him. Harry's eyes flicked up to her and he shifted, creating a larger gap of distance between their bodies. Niall turned the laptop around, passing it to Harry as he sat back with a sigh.

"Man, I don't know what I'm looking for, so can you do ya thing?"

Harry took the laptop from him and looked up at Elena for the first proper time this morning. They had awoken again after their early morning chat, the ashes in the ashtray cold as the room with the window wide open. Through her thin gown Elena was covered in goosebumps, lying on the bed in a fetal position with the bed sheets and blankets fallen from the end and lying on the floor. Harry lay beside her, awake and staring at nothing, his bare chest rising and his nostrils flaring. The pupils in his eyes were wide as he had tried to control his breathing. She already knew enough from experience that he had awoken suddenly from a sickening nightmare or memory. Without a word, he had gotten up and dressed and Elena followed suit.

As his eyes looked at her now she examined them, seeing her reflection in the soft green, but his emotions were hidden. She could usually read people. He opened his mouth, "I can do the work here, Ni. You and El don't need to be here."

Niall frowned, "but mate, wouldn't three of us work better? Once you gain some information, I can use Tomlinson's records to help." Harry shook his head.

"I can do it myself, alright?" he argued, his voice rough and he frowned at Niall before flicking to El, who was watching him with an alarmed expression. "Why don't you head downstairs to the bar or something? I don't care."

Elena huffed, standing up from the bed and walking towards her suitcase, his sudden mood change was irritating both her and Niall. "Fine, Styles, but you don't have to be so shitty about it," she snapped, pulling a sweater on before pulling over a jacket.

"Excuse me?"

His voice was low and menacing, almost defensive. If she hadn't had to deal with so many harsh and conniving men in her life and industry it would have made her blood run cold. Elena let her shoulders drop as she let out a sigh and turned back around to face him, she watched him with a sour expression, watching him steadily glare at her as Niall's eyes flicked between them. With her brows still knitted together she steadied her breathing. "Nothing."

His eyes travelling back to the device on his lap, "Good. I will see you both later." He ignored their presence as they both shared a confused glance.

With that, Niall shrugged and wordlessly grabbed his phone and wallet, leaving towards the door and Elena followed. As she closed the door she made eye contact with him one last time, his eyes steadily watching her departure and his long fingers raised the laptop, as if ready to remove it from his lap. She shut the door with a snap and followed Niall, her brows furrowed.

"What was that?" she demanded as soon as she turned to face Niall. His eyes grew wide as she stood and seemingly accused him. Sighing, she dismissed him with a wave of her hand "God, his moods are giving me whiplash," she mumbled running her hand over her exhausted eyes. Niall just chuckled.

"He's always been like that, Love," he murmured, "I think its best we just leave him be, he seems to know what he's doing... and if he doesn't, then it's his own fault," he joked and Elena smirked, secretly hoping Harry isn't as good as he seems to think he is.

Niall whistled, clicking the elevator button and waiting by as Elena put her hands in her coat. "So, where do you want to go?," he asked. Elena shrugged and gave a tight-lipped smile.

"I don't care."




Lots of stuff has happened recently haha

I have had exams and a MEGA whad of assignments because I am gonna be in Grade 12 in 10 weeks. I've stopped writing poetry since last year now, and that's taking a toll on me, and I'm struggling to find the proper words for anything . But I am on holidays now, and I want to write some more (I also have a 10 000 words novella due in 6 weeks for extension adv English so I kind GOTTA writing haha).

I also kinda fell in love, which is amazing but also a craaaaazy emotional journey- I still adore Harry though! I just need to remember how deeply I once felt about him to capture this writing so perfectly. But my man is crazy beautiful and I feel so deeply for him and this little journey so far has been absolute bliss (ok, a few bumps...but that's normal) and I have never felt so perfect and amazing as I do right now.


So yeah, hopefully I can be back again soon! All of my love, Elyse. x

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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