Caring could kill you

331 13 6

Lol just a cute ass gif of my dad to say sorry for not updating x



Elena groaned, rolling over to the left side of the bed and squinted at Harry's figure, leaning down beside his bag in the dark room.

"Why the hell is there glass in my bag? I fucking cut myself!" he whined, sitting cross-legged on the floor and cradling his right hand. His eyebrows were knotted in a frown and he pouted.
El frowned, observing the whinging man on the floor through squinted and sleepy eyes. He stared back, a flicker of pain mingled with something else. Regret? Was he sorry for what he did?

Elena couldn't quite decipher what was hiding in his eyes. His lips were in a pout and his lashes low, his hair was a mangled mess on his head and he sat with a mild grimace as he flicked his attention to his hand. Lifting it from his lap, Elena noticed how fast it was began bleeding and how deep red his blood was. Eh.

"Can't you just fix it yourself?" Elena carelessly mumbled, turning her head back into the molded white pillow, ignoring her hair which was in an insane mess around her head and tickling her nose. If he was going to be a dick, she certainly wasn't helping him.

Yet when he gave out a pitiful moan of pain in response, Elena sighed as she slowly rose from the bed and collected his hands in her own, leading him to the bathroom and turning the light on. She kept her face empty as he settled himself on the bench top and pulled her between his legs, his green eyes looking down at her through thick lashes as she used a damp towel to clear the wound. Her eyes widened when she noticed exactly how deep it was and he whined again at the pressure. He kept bleeding.

"You're going to need stitches, probably should go to a hospital," she said, finally meeting his eyes for the first time this evening.

Harry scowled and shook his head, his curls she had grasped earlier in pleasure falling into his face. Elena internally smirked when she remembered how much he liked it.

"I hate those places," he growled, his voice hoarse, but filled with disgust. She couldn't read why.

"Does Louis have anywhere you can fix this?" she asked, trying to keep her voice authoritive while underneath she was lustfully melting under his soft touch. Harry shook his head.

"We're men, we figure ourselves out."

Elena rolled her eyes at his stupid stubbornness. "Alright, home job it is," she mumbled, a touch of irritation in her voice. Harry's greens eyes bore into her own as he realised she was still angry at him.

They remained silent as she removed herself from against him and knelt down, checking the cupboards for a first aid kit. Upon finding one she opened it and rummaged around, searching for antiseptic and a needle.

Harry's eyes widened, and his gaze flicked between Elena's stolid expression and the piece of sharp silver she retrieved from the bag that was now held in her dainty hand.

"What the fuck are you going to do with that?"

"Well, it's a tossup between piercing it through your left eye, or your right eye," she replied immediately, she grinned as she added, "but I'll settle for sewing your goddamn hand up."

Harry's eyes were still wide and unconvinced, and Elena found it amusing. He let out a cold chuckle and sat up straight against the mirror behind him, crossing his arms over his chest like a child, glaring.

"I am not letting you near me with a fucking needle, love," he said dryly, yet there was still a hint of panic that entertained Elena.

She cracked a toothless grin, her lips stretched awkwardly over her gums as she turned away from Harry's wide green eyes and left the bathroom in search of something antiseptic. Alcohol? Looking around the dark room, she knelt in front of what appeared to be a 1960s liquor cabinet and opened it with the prayer that Louis is as classy as she thought he was. She smirked in triumph when she saw the array of liquor and wine bottles inside, grabbing one of her choosing and opening the door to the bathroom.

Killer Queen  ~ {H.E.S}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن