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When I was younger, I remembered walking through the streets of New York with my dad. At first, I found it big, bright, and scary. Like I said, I was young.
Dad would hold my hand and point to amazing things, like air liners, or rainbow lights flashing on the sides of casinos. At that time, I didn't feel scared. I felt happy.
And that's how I felt now.
I stood at the roof I had appeared on. Everything was brightly lit and looked amazingly welcoming. I guess that's how anyone would feel after a while on a different planet.
No one else was with me on the roof. I guessed the others had landed somewhere else that they had pictured to go. I hoped so anyway.
You should go see your mother, Phantom said, She'll be worried.
"We've only been gone a day, right?" I asked, walking over to the fire escape. I jumped down, and Phantom's suit melted off me.
Time sort of runs differently on my world. So . . . you may have been gone for a week or two.
"What?!" I rubbed my wrinkled shirt, "Are you serious?"
I wish I wasn't, he replied.
I ran down the street, recognizing where I was.
Passing the school, I realized it was fixed. The bomb had really messed it up, but it was already rebuilt.
A dreading feeling spread through my stomach as I ran towards my apartment.
I threw open the door and yelled, "Mom?!"
No answer.
I trudged up the stairs and peeked into the kitchen. An older lady who could have been my grandma sat at the kitchen table. She was writing on a sheet of paper, her gray hair tied up in a messy bun.
I stepped into the walkway, "Excuse me?"
Phantom gulped, Oh no.
The lady looked up, her eyes resting on me. I swear she looked familiar, but it was hard to place.
Her eyes widened and her breath hitched, "S-sparrow?"
Then I understood. This was my mother.
  She shoved herself away from the table and limped/ran over to me. I caught her in my arms.
She started crying, "Oh my- my sweet boy."
I was completely shocked. I thought only a couple weeks had passed. Not years.
"I- I'm here, mom." I stammered, hugging her tightly.
She looked up at me, "You have explaining to do, young man! Where have you been? Why do you look so young? And why would you leave me?"
I looked at her nervously, "Well . . . maybe you should sit down to hear this."
Peter Parker's POV

I arrived at my house. For some reason, all of Aunt May's flowers were gone. Maybe she had had a gardener over or something.
I knocked on the door, wondering what exactly I would say to her once I saw her. 'Hi, I'd like to say I am the famous Spider-Man and I was teleported to a different universe to fight for my life!'
The door opened and I prepared for the lashing I would get.
But instead of Aunt May, I saw an older man. He looked at me and sighed, "What can I do for you?"
I frowned, "Uh, what happened to the lady who lived in this house?"
The man thought for a second, "Oh, you mean May Parker? She was moved to the assistant home."
My heart dropped and words didn't form in my throat for a minute, "T-thanks."
I turned and automatically ran to the nearest assistant home. Since it was a few blocks away, I didn't arrive for a while and I had some time to think about it.
Had time moved differently? It made sense. But why hadn't I thought about that sooner? My mind wandered to Aunt May. What if she was- no. No, I wouldn't think about that.
I arrived at the tall building. Skidding through the sliding glass doors, I ran to the counter.
A girl about my age looked up, "What can I help you with?"
Panting, I noticed the girl's name tag, "Uh, I- I need to see May Parker. Do you know if she's here?"
The girl looked down at her computer, "Um, yes. Here she is. She's on the second floor. Room 12. Would you like me to show you where?"
"No, thanks though, Mary Jane." I said, relief flooding through my body.
She smiled.
I ran up the flights of stairs until I came to an oaken door.
My hand rested on the door knob. My heart fluttering, I pushed open the door.
It was a standard place. The kitchen was smaller, but the living room took up almost the whole living space. In the chair closest to the window, I spotted her.
She didn't seem much different. The only thing that had changed was that she had white hair, and her skin was a little more wrinkled than I remembered. It was the most amazing sight I'd ever seen.
"Aunt May?" I moved towards her and kneeled beside her chair, "Can you hear me?"
She turned towards me, and her eyes brightened, "Peter! My dear Peter, I knew you'd come back! They told me you wouldn't, but I knew. I knew you would be here!"
She grabbed me and we sat there for a moment in silence. I hugged her and looked out the window. The sun was rising, casting a yellow glow over the city.
This was a new day.

Hello people! I hope you enjoyed this! I'm not done yet, but almost. WHAT DID YAH THING??? CRAZY, RIGHT?? I had so much fun writing this, I can't even explain.
Anyway, leave your comments and ideas. I'd love to hear what you guys think.

-The Flash

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