Somebody Has To (Dan and Phil)

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I am now obsessed with Camp Camp, so I thought why not incorporate one of my favourite lines from it into a oneshot?



That was the one question that kept circling through Dan's brain at the moment. Looping, swimming, repeating. But never leaving.


"Why do you care so much?!"


"Why don't you care at all?!"

Dan didn't know how it had ended up like this. He couldn't even remember how it started. Everything was fine one moment, and then the next thing he knew they were shouting. So many questions. So many answers neither him nor Phil were willing to give.


"This isn't going anywhere!"


"Believe me, I know!"

He didn't know why they were fighting right now. He didn't know whose fault it was. All he knew was that they were fighting and it wasn't pleasant.


"Then why are we still doing this? Why didn't you just drop it?"


"Because I know there's something wrong! I know you!"

Dan just didn't understand at this point.


"But. It's. Pointless."


"And I don't care. Slamming your head against a brick wall is pointless, but if it meant helping you I'd do it in a heartbeat."

He couldn't understand.


"Slamming your head into a brick wall wouldn't help anyone. The same goes for this."


"And what makes you so sure of that?"

He had never been able to understand.


"Because doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is insanity. No good can come out of this."


"You don't know that until you've tried."

But he wanted to.


"Making an effort in something like this in the first place is just as bad as repeating it!"


"But if nobody ever tried, nothing would ever be accomplished."

Maybe it was about time he learned.

"God, why do you try so hard to save things destined for disaster? I don't understand. You know it's pointless. You know you can't fix everything. You know you can't change everything. So why bother trying?"

There was silence for a moment.

Then a sad smile.

"You're right."


"This is pointless. Attempting to fix everything and everyone isn't possible. Everyone knows that. So nobody tries."

The smile disappeared.

"That's why I'll never stop trying.

Because somebody fucking has to."

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