Chapter 4

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A/n~ Hiya, once again please ignore any grammar and spelling mistakes. Thank you all :3

Y/n POV-

You rushed out the room trying to protect your innocence, shutting the door back. You put your back to the door and slid down to the floor groaning. Y/n breath. There are not three absolutely gorgeous naked men in your living room.

Maybe you were going insane. You pinched your arm in attempt to wake yourself up. Nothing. You looked round seeing if there was any cake. Nothing.

You got a frying pan from the kitchen and gripped your hands round it. Slowly you opened the door and walked in. You were protecting your innocence and trying to hold a frying pan, not a great combination.

The men looked remarkably similar to your Kittens. One had chocolate brown hair, one had creamy blonde hair and the other had ebony black hair. You edged closer to the black haired one to get a closer look at him. You creeped past the man on the floor.

His black hair framed his face perfectly, hanging loosely over his brow. He had a rounded nose and perfectly chiselled Jawline, with his lips in a gentle smile almost like a bunny rabbit. His cute rounded nose definitely added to that. How cute. He was definitely younger than you, maybe one or two years.

You leant over the brown haired man next, your h/c cascading forward. He had messy brown hair that perfectly fit his square-ish shape face. And his jawline. Wow. His lips were drawn in a pink straight line but were slightly puckered.

The final man lay on the sofa his hand falling to his side. His creamy blonde hair lay In a neat parting, covering one eye. He had almost a baby-ish face, with beautiful round pink lips, small nose and amazing Jawline.

You stood back up, took a step back and ran your fingers through your hair. Had three models broke in and fallen asleep in your living room. You took another step back and faced the black haired man. You leant closer to his face, maybe a bit too close. You could feel his breath on your top lip,it was sweet. It was like something out of a Tv show. That cliche moment. Then that moment ended as he opened his eyes.

You stumbled back in shock and swung the frying pan at the side of his face. He cried out and clutched his head, waking up the other two men.

The brown haired man sat up as did the blonde and looked around.
"Y/n" The brown haired man spoke, staring at you with his deep brown eyes. His voice was deep and rich.

You looked round in shock at the man that had said your name. "H-How do you know my name!" You whispered like a crazed woman.
The blonde man sat up as well, rubbing his eyes and yawning; unaware of the drama that was unfolding. The brunette got up, putting everything on show. He looked at his hands and his eyes widened in shock. He let out a high pitched screeched and lunged himself at you, wrapping his hands round your waist and burying himself into your neck.
"Y/n" His muffled voice came from your neck.
Your head swivelled round the room, trying to make sense of what was going on.

There were three naked men in your living room. You had hit one round the head with a frying pan, one was clung to your waist and the other was... just waking up.

Then it hit you. "Taehyung" You said in a voice barely audible.
He looked at you in your e/c eyes, and buried himself back into your neck. The frying pan slipped through your fingers and fell onto the carpet with a gentle thump.
That means you hit Jungkook round the head with a frying pan and Jimin....he was fine.
There was another high pitched screeched from your living room. Not fine. You pushed Taehyung off and ran to get some bandages for Jungkook.

He was still clutching his head, and whining in pain.
"Jungkook!" You said loudly, causing all three of them to look up at you. You rushed to his side and bandaged his head, he looked up at you with pain painted all over his face. "Sorry" You mumbled, as you continued to bandage him. He looked up at you, glaring slightly; you obviously hadn't been forgiven.

You finished and stood up then felt a heavy weight on your back. "Jimin" You groaned. His hands slipped round your waist as he clung to your back.
You needed to get control of the situation. The fact that there were three gorgeous naked men in your living room that were quite possibly your kittens was not sitting well in your mind.

Jimin sat back on the sofa letting go of you, followed by Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Right.." You mumbled "Lets do this"


After a long three hours Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin were fully dressed and fed. You had borrowed some of your older brothers clothes, that were still in your wardrobe for some unknown reason. They didn't really mind what you gave them to eat, they just seemed to be extremely happy about eating 'human food'.

You had gotten control of the situation, reasonably well. The apartment was calm once more and you were all curled up on the sofa watching a movie. Taehyung had his arm round your waist and his head laying against your shoulder. Jimin had pulled you onto his chest as was fiddling with your hands rather than actually watching the movie.You couldn't help but blush but somehow it felt wrong, these were your kittens not exceptionally handsome men. Jungkook however was sulking on the corner of the sofa, wrapped in a white blanket. He hasn't forgiven you yet and it looked like he wouldn't for a long time. His pink lips formed a small pout as he stared at the Tv and glared at you every time there was a boring part.

It was all calm. Peaceful. Of course that had to end. A loud knock came from the door, followed by a shout from a familiar voice.

"Y/n!!!! Open up!! My best friend senses are tingling! Something's not right!!"

Jae was at your door.

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