Chapter Six

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Everyone had gathered in the dining room. 

The people from this present all had their wands out, ready incase anything went wrong. They didn't know who these people were, any thing could happen. 

Thankfully Molly had awoken, and was sitting toward the back of the room with her daughter and husband.

Teddy didn't want to introduce himself first, he had to be strong for the moment. He stood up and began introductions.

'This is not only a lot for us to take in, being in a different time and all, but this will be a lot for you all to take in, so please don't freak out and please leave some questions to the end.' He took a deep breath and continued on. 'But I do want to prepare you somewhat. Most of us know every face in this room because you are all legends and have done amazing thing for the wizarding world and will do amazing thing in the next few years. I also want to give you hope, because that is what we are, well most of us. Molly, Arthur, these are you grandchildren.' Teddy sat down and prompter Victoire, who was sitting next to him to stand up.

Victoire looked at the table, her parents weren't here, but she already knew that. She caught a glimpse of he grandmothers face, which was a mix of shock and pride.

'Hello everyone, my name is Victoire Weasley and I am the eldest child of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour,' she paused to see the reactions of people in front of her. Molly was beaming with pride along with Arthur, but their son and Victoire's Uncle, Ron, looked very disappointed. She knew that when her mother competed in the TriWizard Tournament, that Uncle Ron had developed a crush on Fleur. 'I graduated from Hogwarts one and a half years ago. I was in Ravenclaw and was Head Girl. I am now working at St Mungo's training to be a nurse and I am currently dating Teddy,' she said as she gestured towards the man who sat next to her as she sat down too.

Dominique began to stand up when a voice emerged from across the room. 

Uncle Ron.

'But I thought they were co-' he began, but was shut down quickly by Dom.

'SHHH,' she shushed him loudly. 'Questions for the end.' Ron became extremely red-faced and embarrassed. That was definitely Dom's super power, an ability to make men embarrassed, it was a skill she was extremely proud of. 

'My name is Dominique, but everyone calls me Dom. Anyway, I am the younger sister of Vic, so Bill and Fleur are also my parents. Like my sister I am also in Ravenclaw, but unlike my sister, I actually made it onto the Quidditch team, in fact I'm the Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain. I play chaser. I have also been a Prefect since fifth year. I am currently in my final year at Hogwarts and hope that next year, like my Aunt, I can play for the Holly Head Harpies.' As Dom sat down she shot a smile at Ginny. 

Ginny could hardly believe what she had just heard. That she would be playing for the Holly Head Harpies. It was a dream come true, even though it hadn't come, yet. She got a look of confusion from her brothers. Then she remembered that they didn't quite know that she had a strong love of Quidditch.

Next a young, but tall boy stood up.

'Hi, my name in Louis and I am Vic and Dom's little brother and the youngest child of Bill and Fleur. Like my sisters I am in Ravenclaw too and like Dom, I am also on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team and a chaser too. People used to call me Domini, like dom and mini, as in Dominique but a mini version, because we are so similar when I started Hogwarts. But now I've grown, so they can't call me that anymore.' He smiled a wide toothy grin as he sat down and passed it on to the next person.

All of the children could feel their Grandmother's smile from the back of the room, she was so happy.

'I guess I'm next then,' a short red headed girl said as she stood up. 'Hello, I'm Molly Weasley II, named after my Grandmother, everyone says that I am just like her.' Her cousins laughed. Being like her Grandma was an understatement, Molly II was exactly the same as her. She prepared herself for her next sentence. From things that her father had told her, this particular time of his life had been turbulent and he wasn't on good terms with his family. 'My parents are Percy and Audrey.' Molly II could see the faces of her family change from happy to sad and angry fast, but before they could make a comment on anything about her father, she moved on. 'My mum, Audrey she is a muggle, but she is so fascinated by the wizarding world, you all have shown her, I mean, will show her so much.' she rambled on a bit too long. 'Anyway, I am currently in my fifth year at Hogwarts, I'm in Gryffindor,' as she said this, she realised she was the first of her family members to say they were in Gryffindor, Molly II smiled. 'And although I am not on the Quidditch Team, because I suck, but I am a Prefect,' she said proudly as she sat down.

Next to stand up was a young girl, proudly wearing the trademark Weasley red hair.

'Umm...' Lucy began. She was often very shy, and talking in front of big groups of people was not her strong suit, but she was trying. 'I'm Lucy and I'm Molly's younger sister. I am in my first year at Hogwarts and I'm in Ravenclaw. I don't like playing Quidditch, but I think it's fun to watch, I also like to write.' Lucy sat down, fairly happy with getting through it all. She looked at her sister who gave her a nod of encouragement. She did well, and she was happy with that.

Teddy looked at all of the faces who were staring at these children. They had so many questions, he could feel it, and with each person that went, he got more and more nervous for his introduction. He could sense that Victoire could feel his nervousness too and that was making her anxious. At this point they were both wrecks. He wished this could be easier, he wished he didn't have to stand up and tell two strangers, no matter how familiar their faces, that they were his parents. He slipped his hand underneath the table and found where Vic's hand was, on her knee, and he held it and squeezed it tight. 

He thought he might be sick.

'Alrighty, now,' began Fred, who was met with worrying glares from all of his cousins, except James who needed inspiration for how he was going to introduce himself. 'My turn,'

'Not so fast,' Roxanne stood up as well. 

'Come on Roxy, let me have this,' complained Fred.

'Shut up, we are a package deal. Anyway, I'm Roxanne, but everyone calls me Roxy, and this is-' she was tragically cut off by Fred.

'Her amazingly handsome and better in every way twin brother, Fred Weasley II.'

He bowed.

Roxy rolled her eyes.

George Weasley who was standing on the other side of the room looked up from his feet. He had always planned to call his first boy Fred, after his brother and best friend. Could these two children be his future children?

'Our parents are George Weasley and-' Roxy was cut off again. This time it was worse. She could see that Fred couldn't comprehend how lightly he had to tread on this topic because Fred I in their time had died before they were born. Because of his death, his girlfriend and brother got together and eventually had Roxy and Fred. If Fred made just one wrong comment, things could go wrong.

'ANGELINA JOHNSON,' he yelled, seemingly very proud with himself.

It took a moment for this to sink in and in the time that it did, silence fell over the room as everybody's head turned to Fred and George who were standing at the back of the room.

'Wait-' Fred begun, a clear anger in his voice, but he was cut off by his father just in time.

'Quiet boys, not a word, you can fight after,' said Arthur Weasley without even looking at the boys. He urged Roxy to continue.

'There's not much more to us besides that we are both in Gryffindor in our fifth year and play beaters on the Quidditch team.' Roxy finished off.

'Dear Roxy,' Fred began condescendingly, something that always got on Roxy's nerves. 'You can't expect me to announce that I am the son of one of the greatest pranksters in Hogwarts history and named after his twin brother, and equally great prankster and not mention that I live up to their legacy. Fred Weasley, prank extraordinaire, at your service,' he bowed again. Roxy didn't like this, she did not like this at all.

They sat down, or rather, Roxy sat down, and then she pulled Fred down with her. She looked at her dad. How utterly happy he looked. It was bitter sweet for Roxy as she was unable to recall the last time that she saw her father this happy. This was different though, this was before. After that day, everything would change.

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