Dead On Time

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On our way to the hospital, I suddenly felt lightheaded.

I placed the palm of my hand onto my forehead.

"Are you alright, Chelsea?" Freddie asked, concern.

I slowly nodded, "Y-yeah... I think so.."

"Alright, we're here!" Mum said as we arrived at the hospital.

She got out of the car, as did everybody else.

Mum and Freddie ran towards my side, opening the car door and helping me get out.

As mum gently held onto my arms, guiding me, I fell.

"Oh my god, Chelsea! Are you alright?" She went on her knees, trying to help me up.

"I-I don't know, I feel so light-headed.." I groaned in pain.

Mum helped me up.

We all slowly walked towards the hospital door.

As we approached the check in desk, I started feeling dizzy.

"The doctor will be with you in a moment, M'am." The woman said.

My vision became blurry.

"Chelsea, are you sure you're alright? You look ill, sit down, darling." Freddie said gently, guiding me towards a chair.

I stumbled, falling to the ground.

I heard my mum screaming, which suddenly became faint.

I slowly closed my eyes.



I fluttered my eyes open, only to be blinded by a bright light.

I looked around.

I can't see a thing! Oh, god. Am I blind!?

I panicked, sitting up quickly.

I was able to stand up, it dawned on me.

That's odd... I don't feel anything...

I felt my side. Nothing?

The hell?

"You know, you shouldn't cuss in heaven. Even if it's in your own mind.." A voice came from behind me, causing me to jump.

The spirit laughed, "Hey, don't be frightened. What harm can your guardian angel do?" The man smiled sweetly.

I tilted my head, "W-Who are you..?"

The spirit laughed again, "I'm your guardian angel, Chris." He smiled.

"Why 'Chris'? I don't know anybody named Chris.." I said, confused.

Chris chuckled, "Oh, Chelsea. You make me laugh." He walked closer to me, I stepped back.

"You don't have to know an angel for them to protect you, love. I've been watching you this whole time.." Chris smiled.

My eyes widened, "You have? So, you saw... Everything..?"

He nodded, "Everything"

"From when I was sho-"

"From the day you were born. God assigns us all to a human being born. It's quite beautiful." Chris said calmly.

I looked at my surroundings, and noticed the ground. Clouds?

"Chris, where am I?" I asked.

"Heaven." He smiled.

My eyes widened more, "Heaven?!" I asked.

Chris nodded, "Yes. You lost too much blood, so you died." He smiled.

My heart started racing. How can I breath? How can I even see? Where the hell am I? I can't be dead, no no no no, it can't be possible! How did I loose so much blood?!?! Why, why why!!

"Hey, don't be afraid, Chelsea." Chris stepped closer.

I pushed him away, "Don't touch me!" I yelled.

Chris sighed, "I can hear your thoughts, love."

I sighed, "I want to go home!" I cried.

Chris shook his head, "But you were so miserable on Earth, all angels decided it was good if you left." He admitted.

I stared at him, "Maybe I was, b-but I promise you, I was healing!" I pointed a finger up.

Chris laughed, "Yes, but you were loosing so much anyway. What's the point?" He touched my shoulder.

I screamed, pushing him again. "Get away! I want to go home! I don't belong here yet! It can't be!" I yelled.

Chris tried coming towards me to comfort me, but I kept pushing him away, screaming at him.

"I CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS, CHRIS! I WON'T! I DON'T ACCEPT IT!!!" I screamed at his face.

Chris looked down, chuckling softly. He looked back up at me, grinning.

"Oh, but darling.... You have to now.." He grinned evilly.

I shook my head, "No!" I ran away.

"You can't hide from me, Chelsea! It's all clouds, love! You'll never escape!" Chris yelled, but I simply ignored.

I don't care if he can find me, I'll keep running until I wake up from this nightmare.

This can't be the truth!

I heard laughter come closer to me, it sounded psychotic, high-pitched.

I stopped running, turning around.

Chris approached me, rubbing his hands together, grinning some more.

"You can't run now, Austin.." He softly said, coming closer to me. 

I tried to run but somehow my feet wouldn't let me.

I sat down on the ground, crying, screaming.


My vision went black, and I heard nothing but a beep.

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