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My legs immediately bring me to the school gate. I don't know why.

"Hoseok!" I call out as I jog toward him. His folded arms drop to his side, and he smiles. "Taehyung."

"What do you want?" And his smile drops, everything suddenly becomes serious, tense. I press my arms to my body, feeling nervous.

"You have to drop out of training," He says, voice terse and hard. I forget how to swallow, and the lump that has formed in my throat prevents me from choking down my saliva.

"W-what?" I splutter back. I've always thought Hoseok supported me. My mind feels clog. Why is he asking me to quit at this time. Why? Is Namjoon part of this? My mind feels clogged with unanswered questions.

"Quit practice," He replies hardly. Anger starts rising from within me, and I have to clench my fist to stop myself from slapping him in the face.

"No. And I will never." With that, I spin on my heels and run back to the classroom.


During training, I keep thinking about what Hoseok said, distracting me from practicing. My aims and shots have never been so bad, and inaccurate.

"Taehyung are you fine?" Jimin touches my shoulder. I place my gun on the bench in front of me, sighing. "No, I've been so distracted and I feel so . . . tired."

"What did you and Jeongguk do last night, hm?" He jokes, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. I clutch onto the handle on the gun when he says that. My knuckles start to turn white from the lack of blood flowing. I relax my hands.

"We're not even dating, Jimin. And he has a girlfriend, so stop imagining things," I spit back, and without knowing, I spoke with jealousy.

"Don't hide the fact that you have feelings for him. I've been your best friend for ten years, I know you like someone when I see it. Though you've never liked anyone else other than Jeongguk," He points out.

"I'm just all sorts of confused—" I am interrupted by the loud wail of siren. It wakes me up from my reverie, and I can hear the booming voice of Jiyeong.

"Everyone grab your gun and follow me to the evacuation room," He shouts, directing us to the emergency holding room. Everyone goes into panic mode. Students run past me, elbows occasionally nudging me to the ground, and heavy boots stepping on me. I scramble to my feet with difficulty and snatch my gun from the bench.

"Taehyung!" I hear Jimin scream. When I look around me, I realise I am the only one not in the emergency room. The sound of heavy boots stomping makes me whip my head to the left.

I can't run, because I'm wearing boots as well, and the sound will attract them. I'd get my friends killed. Maybe I can walk quietly and slowly. No. The distance is too far, so I definitely can't walk.

I decide to stay put. I am only armed with a gun, so I have to pray hard my aim will be accurate.

I guess the attacker was trying to hide his presence, because the clinking of boots soften, and replaced by the soft shuffle of boots.

"Caught you," I hear him say. My heart thumps harshly against my rib cage as I squeeze the trigger.

"Taehyung get down!" Jeongguk shouts from behind.

As soon as I squat down, I hear another gunshot as loud as thunder but without the raw power of a storm, crack into the air.


Lately, I feel as though I've lost my writing skills. I apologise for this really crappy and short chapter. Also, I know it's annoying when I publish it over and over again but for some reason, wattpad wouldn't show the change I made?? Sorry for that

【Fighter 》Taekook】Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant