"And you think I can control it? You just expect me to stay with you and love you while you 'figure out your feelings'?" Maya yelled.

 "I never said that. You're just assuming things now!" I yelled. 

"Okay you know what Luke? I'm done with this argument. I'm...done. Call me when you're ready to apologize," Maya said. She grabbed her messenger bag off the ground, turned around, and walked away, without saying anything else. 

I groaned and walked away into the opposite direction. 

I hated doing this to her. I honestly didn't feel anything for her anymore, ever since Calum and I woke up together. Maya doesn't deserve any of this. She's just an amazing girl overall. And honestly, she has been one of the best girlfriends I've ever had, but she doesn't deserve someone that doesn't love her back. Not anymore. In fact, this was our first argument since we started dating. We never argue over anything. So this was something big. 

Ever since Calum and I woke up together, I felt a strange attraction towards Calum. I knew I was bisexual (well the boys, my parents, and brothers knew but that's not the point) so I knew being attracted to boys and girls was normal, for me.

But I never really looked at Calum more than a best friend, until now. I suddenly found myself wanting to be around him even more, and I wasn't sure if that was a good sign or not.

I climbed into my car and closed the door. I started the car and then proceeded to drive home, but before I could, my phone vibrated. I grabbed my white iPhone out of my pocket and turned it on. I looked at the screen to see a call from Ashton. I slid the green button across the screen and held the phone up to my ear.

"Yeah Ash?"

"Thank god Luke. I was beginning to think you weren't going to pick up. Please tell me that Calum's with you, to apologize," Ashton pleaded.  

"No. He's not with me...why?" I asked, suddenly worried. 

"He and I were going to hang out today after school...but...he never came over. I know he went to Peter's house to work on the Chemistry project but that's it. Calum promised it wouldn't take more than an hour, but he sent me a text, saying that, three hours ago. I called Michael over and we tried calling his phone, but all we got his voice mail. And you know Calum, Luke. He always answers a call and text. I'm worried about him Luke."

Shit shit shit no. This is Peter we're talking about. Knowing Peter, he probably did something bad to Calum, being the jerk he is.

"Um...is he at home? Did you try calling his dad?" I asked, suddenly shaking. "We tried. Mikey called his dad, but he said that Calum never came home. He's out looking for Calum now," Ashton replied. 

"Shit Ash. Um...Ash, you and Mikey, try and get ahold of Calum. Keep calling him. I'm going to drive around and see if I can find him," I told him. 

"Alright. Call us if you find him," Ashton. 

"Okay. Talk to you later," I said. I hung up and immediately drove off in search of Calum. 


I drove all over town, hoping Calum was somewhere.

I tried looking at the cafe we always grabbed food. I walked inside to see the owner, Lisa, a small, skinny, women in her late thirties. Lisa had been around town ever since I can remember. She always gave me and the boys free samples so you could say we had a close relationship.

"Hey Lisa!" I greeted, walking in. "Hey Luke!" She replied, waving. She walked over to the counter and rested her arms on top. "What can I get for you?" 

I Can't Do This, Not Without You (Cake 5SOS Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now