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"Hey trash!" I heard an annoying voice. I continued walking to class when my arm was yanked. "Hey! I'm talking to you!"

Sighing, I turned around to face the devil. Her long blonde hair reminded me of bananas, which means that she could be a monkey's favorite snack but a monkey would never eat her.

"Yes, Chloe?" I asked sarcastically.

"I saw you giving googly eyes at Adri-kins! I hope you realize that he doesn't even like you! He only likes me! Me! Me! Me!" She screeches and I roll my eyes.

"Sure, Chloe. Sure." I say, sarcasm dripping in my voice. I'm so done with her bullcrap. You'd think that being a senior would make you mature. But that only works with a few people. Then there's Chloe.

"Well, if you're done talking to me I'll be on my way. Au revoir!" I left the scene and went to class. And waited for Alya

And the moment she sat down, she started rambling about something. I wasn't listening, even though I was staring at her. I was thinking of my old friend Bridgette. I haven't heard from her in a while. After all that has been happening.

"Hellooo? Mari? Are you even listening to me?" Alya waved her hand in front of my face and I shook my face no. "What's on your mind? Is it Bridgette?"

Yeah. "No, I'm just thinking about if the mayor is watching us. Ooh! What if there is a secret spy agency? That'd be so cool right??!" I exclaimed in fake excitement. Alya chuckled.

The last few years haven't been really kind to me. At fourteen my parents got into a huge car crash, causing Mom to die. But Dad has been in a coma ever since. Bridgette, my old babysitter came back to "babysit" me while my father was in a deep sleep. But she'd always disappear at the weirdest moments. For example, when we were at the park, she suddenly left me. I didn't mind because I was obsessing over Gabriel Agreste and his son, Adrien. My crush on him has lowered and I am now friends with him.

Of course, I was sad when Mom died. I didn't leave my house unless it was to go see dad. Bridgette was there to take care of me. But I knew I could take care of myself.

But things started happening. She suddenly started disappearing. At first, I thought it was to go see her boyfriend, Felix. But it was more frequent. I had always wondered why.

I was used to it now. I never knew why. So I made a plan. The next time Bridgette comes to visit, I'll follow her home. Maybe she knows something that I don't?

"And that is why we believe that the human mind is very oblivious. Marinette, are you listening?" My teacher asks. I nod and she smiles. She was my favorite. She understands why I space out nowadays.

At the end of school, I was walking home with Alya and Nino. Adrien's driver picked him up early.

If you're wondering how everyone changed over the year, here's how.

Alya and Nino became couple goals. Literally. They're not too disgustingly cute, they don't kiss in front of me, they're always together and they pretty much understand each other.

Adrien on the other hand? Well, he....he's turned into perfection. From the scrawny 14 year old he was to the 18 year old he is now. Actual perfection. He still has to go the the photoshoots, of course.

And me.....I sort of stayed the same I think. Alya says puberty hit me like a truck but other than that my future is still the same. Aspiring designer. My hair has grown too. I lost my stutter around Adrien and I don't remember the last time I tripped. Maybe I lost that clumsiness?

"Yeah, she keeps spacing out today. Maybe she misses Bridgette?" I hear Alya say and I scowl.


Nino laughs.


Sitting down with a bag of popcorn, I turn on my tv to browse through netflix. I settled on the show "The Flash" because why not?

After the 3rd episode, I felt a presence behind me. What the hell? I peered at my tv, trying to see my reflection when the room was suddenly spinning.

My head hurt so bad, and in seconds I was on the ground. Knocked out.


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