Agent Texas and Omega

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I ducked farther behind the rock I was hiding behind and slid to the ground. Texas was back. I should go let her know I was here, so she didn't kill me later not knowing who I was. I slowly made my way down the side of the cliff and towards them.

"Well Tex," Tucker said, "that was a great story. I especially liked the part about Church getting pantsed in high school."

"I found that part to be entirely outta context," Church said. Huh, he looked different.

"But I still don't get how we're supposed to stop the A.I," Tucker said.

"I don't remember much from the implantation process," Texas said, "I do remember that the A.I can be transmitted from host to host, by way of the helmet radios. Before I learned anything else, the A.I took over and we escaped. If we can kill the A.I and not give it a place to jump, we'll beat it."

"Or if you have the right kind of program," I said. They all turned to look at me. Texas pointed a gun at me.

"Agent Tennis!" Caboose exclaimed.

"Hi, Caboose," I greeted. I turned to Texas, "Tex, put the gun down. It's me, Tennessee."

She cocked her head, "Tell me something only the two of us would know."

"I was going to get married after this war. The only problem was that his friends wanted to live with us."

She snorted, "I believe they were your friends."

I gave a sad laugh, "Yeah, they were. Doesn't matter anyway. My father was never going to let me marry a man like that."

"Your father is an asshole, kid."

I glanced to Church then back to her, "I know. It's good to see you again, Tex. Now, this A.I?"

"Do you have the program?"


"Why bring it up if you don't have it?" Tucker asked.

I shrugged, "It sounded good."

"Where is it?" Church asked.

"Remember that asshole of a father I mentioned. Well, he likes to take my stuff. Then stick me in a shit ass canyon in the middle of fucking nowhere."

Caboose gasped, "Church, its another mean lady."

"She's not being mean, idiot," Tucker said, "She's upset with her father and the situation he put her in. She's also stuck with the Reds."

"You're with the Reds?" Tex asked.

"They called for help and I got sent." I shrugged, "They aren't so bad. They're fun to flirt with. Simmons gets flustered talking to girls. I think Grif is done with my shit though. I made some jokes earlier and he didn't respond."

"That's because he's lazy," Church said.

"That's cool. I'm good at doing all the work," I chuckled, "Bow chicka bow wow."

"Oh my God!" Tucker exclaimed, "Church, can we keep her?"

"No," Church snapped, "She is going back to the Reds because I cannot have two of you here."

"I don't get it," Caboose said, "There is only one Tucker here, Church."

I bust out laughing, "Oh, Caboose. Don't worry about it. I'll explain it to you when you're older."

"Guys," Tex snapped, "Focus. The A.I."

"What exactly did you have in mind?" I questioned.

"Tex and I will possess Caboose," Church said, "Tucker, Tennessee, we need you two to work on the Reds. Get 'em to turn off their helmet radios, so that O'Malley won't have anywhere to go, once we get him outta there."

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