Twenty (20)

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Davina Cullen's Point Of View
One month later

Bella's immortal pregnant is moving along rather quickly, as Carlisle predicted. She told dad that she was at a spa in Switzerland. I cannot believe this is happening.

My eyes are still red, because I am still frustrated about the situation. I'm frustrated at Edward, for not being safe. It never hurts to wear a condom, rare cases like this or not.

The sound of a motorcycle at the smell of a dog jerks me out of my thoughts violently. I flash over to the balcony, and see Jacob.

I open the door for him.

"It's true, they're home early?" Jacob gasps, he pushes past me and he storms upstairs.

I flash, an I beat him. "Hi Jake."

"Hi." He grumbles.

"That's close enough, dog." Rosalie snaps as Jacob tries to get closer."

"Rose!" Esme scolds.

"It's okay," Bella's weak voice says, she sounds worse than I did with cancer. "Davina, help me up."

Reluctantly, I help Bella stand. She pulls her blue blouse down over her stomach, and Jacob glares. He storms up in Edwards face.

"YOU DID THIS TO HER!" Jacob yells.

I stand back, wishing I had the guts to do that. Edward grimaces and he goes out onto the balcony. I help Bella sit down, and I watch everything go on.

"Her pulse is dropping." I say.

"Jacob might be right," Edward says from the arm chair. "Jacob had a thought."

"More like a snide comment." Jacob smirks.

"Well, what is it?" I snap, getting annoyed easier and easier lately.

"That it might be looking for something to sink it's teeth into." Jacob replies, cowering away from me.

"I'll try anything." Bella says.

"Let's take a walk." Alice says to Jasper and Jack, because I'm not leaving Bella's side.

Emmett tenses and he walks out. Rosalie stands behind the armchair, beside Esme. Carlisle grabs a blood bag, and empties the content into the white cup.

"I think I'm gonna get sick..." Jacob mutters, scooting away.

"You Can always leave." I say, putting an innocent look on my face.

"I will." Jacob says, angry with me and Edward.

I hear Jacob kick his motorcycle, phase, and take off running. I close my eyes at the scent of human blood.

"Here." Carlisle says, handing me a glass. "Keep your strength up, and your urges down."

Jacob Black's Point Of View

I just got done standing up to Sam Uley,  like I should have a long time ago. I take off, heading back towards Forks.

"Seth!?" I snap, when he steps in behind me.

"I'm following you."

"Just.... Be quite, you're annoying me."

"I can do that." Seth says; and keeps rambling on.

Davina's Point Of View.

I smell Jacob and Seth outside, and now Leah. They all left Sam? Sam's howl tells me yes; Jacob, Seth, and Leah all just left Sam's pack. The Black Pack is right outside.

Sam read about Bella's pregnancy in Jacob's thoughts, in wolf form. The pack wants the baby dead before he/she kills Bella. That made me angrier; they'd have to kill Bella to kill the baby.  If they hadn't learned from Victoria, they never will. I'll kill before anything happens to my sister.

Rosalie is helping Bella into the bath, I am in Jasper's room with him.

"Are you Alright?" Jasper asks. "You're finally accepting it."

I nod, "yes, I'm fine. I won't let anyone harm a head on Bella or that baby."

"That's what I like to hear." Esme says, startling me. "That you accept the baby."

"The Cancer killed me before I could have kids; I guess Bella is lucky enough to get one, Vampire / human hybrid or not."

Esme just smiles at me before leaving Jasper's room. I look around Jasper's room, and I sigh.

"Jas, I know I said yes, but I don't know if I'm ready to get married yet." I admit.

"We can just be engaged, if you like." Jasper says to me.

I nod, "I'd love that, babe."

Jasper kisses me tenderly; one thing leads to another, Jasper and I end up making love all night long~ nonstop. Vampire sex is amazing.

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