Six (6)

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Feeling somewhat bloated, I dress simply, I don't even care that I look horrible. I feel worse. I brush my hair, losing some more red locks. I frown and I meet Bella at her truck. She hands me a banana smoothie.

"Thank you, Bells." I say, smiling.

"You look horrible." Bella smiles.

I smile, "I know. I'm bloated today."

Bella starts the heat in the truck, and she drives towards the school as I roll my window down a smudge.

I put my jacket in my locker, Jasper leaned against the locker beside it.

"Nice wardrobe." Jasper jokes.

"God, you sound like my sister." I reply, rolling my eyes. "I'm bloated today."

Jasper just smiles. "Let's get to class, Davina."

I sit with Bella at lunch today. Tyler sits beside me.

"Hey, you're looking great." Tyler says, meaning it.

"Finally, a compliment." I gush. "Thank you, Tyler."

"My sister was 19 when she died of cancer; I k how how it is." Tyler says, just an author add on.

I just smile and I sip on my water.

"I think we go to the greenhouses tomorrow." Mike says. "Wanna hang with me?"

"I was hoping to hang with Tyler." I smile.

Tyler grins. "Of course, little Swan."

That's my new nickname, Little Swan. I have lost quite a bit of weight in a week, since my diagnoses.

"Has Lauren answered you, yet?" I ask.

Tyler frowns. "No."

After school, I am sitting inside of Bella's truck while she stands out. I frown to myself, I miss being able to stand for a while without the shortness of breath and painful electricity shooting through my limbs.

I watch the rain hit the windshield, before I hear tires squealing. I lean over the gearshift, and I see Tyler's van swerving around the parking lot, coming straight at us.

I suddenly see Edward flashing over, and I am jerked back. My head hits the window as Edward's abnormal strength stops the van from crushing my sister.

"You okay?" Jasper asks, opening my door.

I moan, pained. "I hit my head."

Jasper sighs as Bella gets in her truck. "You two get to the hospital."

I notice Rosalie shooting annoyed glares towards her brother, Edward. Bella drives off, towards the local hospital.


"It's just a bump." Carlisle says, after dad finishes going off on Tyler. "How are you feeling today, Davina?"

"Bloated." I reply. "Other than that, better than usual."

"Your next round of chemo is next Monday." Carlisle tells me. "My house."

I nod. "Okay."

I step outside and see dad on the phone with mom, Bella is at the corner.

"Hey." I whisper.

"Hey." Bella says, and says towards Edward. "Can i talk to you?"

"Want me to go?" I ask.

"You're fine." Edward replies, approaching us. "What?" He asks Bella.

"How's you at to me that fast?" Bella asks, tense.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Bella." Edward says smoothly, "I was standing right beside you."

Although I know he is lying, I keep quiet.

"No," Bella profess, "You we're beside your car."

"Across the lot." I finally speak, hoarsely before coughing.

Edward pats my back until I finish. "You okay?"

I nod. "Yes."

"I was right next to you, Bella." Edward simply walks away.

"Dad called mom." I inform Bella as we get in her truck.

"I figured."

Billy and Jacob are at the house when we arrive. Billy is talking to Dad, smiling.

"Davina." Billy smiles stays in tact. "How's my cancer patient?"

I giggle, "I'm okay. It grew into stage 3."

"Is that doctor finding a cure?" Billy asks.

I nod. "He says he is searching."

"Good, I don't wanna see Charlie here lose you." Billy sad tensely, he knows who my doctor is.

"Daddy, I'm going to my room." I say softly and I walk slowly to my room. I strip away from the day's clothes, and pull ok a loose black skater dress.

I sit on my couch, and I let out a breath. I yawn real big, not really looking forward to all the walking at the greenhouse on Molina's little trip. Today in biology, we did some blood testing; it was weird.

"Hey." Jacob greets me, entering my room. "You're looking good."

"Thanks." I reply. "Sit with me."

"What are the school plans tomorrow?" Jacob asks me.

"I'm dreading the trip to the greenhouse." I frown. "I lose my breath so easily anymore."

Jacob allows me to snuggle into him, scared. "It's okay, I'm your friend."

A tear escapes my eye before I fall asleep against Jacob.

Jacob's Point Of View

Davina An Swan is a good friend, and I find out she has cancer. So, I don't complain when she falls asleep. Charlie rolls my father in, and they smile.

"Wanna say here with her tonight?" Charlie asks.

"Yeah." I reply without hesitation.

Charlie drives my dad home, and i wrap an arm around my sick friend. I close my eyes, and I dose off myself.

Jasper Hale & the Cancer patient Where stories live. Discover now