Three (3)

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I meet Bella by the truck the following morning, knowing I'll regret wearing heels. I get into the truck, sadly getting out of the drizzling rain. I love being outside; even if it is pouring down rain, spitting out hale and sleet, and even if it is becoming a blizzard with snow.

The great outdoors helps me remain calm, I am much more relaxed when I am outside.

"I hate the rain." Bella scoffs as she starts the heater up.

"You hate the outdoors." I correct her. "I'm walking into town after school."

"It'll take you forever to get to the diner...." Bella argues.

"I don't care; I actually enjoy the outdoors; raining, snow, hail, or sleet." I smirk towards my sister.

Edward and Jasper are gone today, they must be visiting family somewhere for a little while. I push their absences aside, as Bella is kind of panicking ~ looking for her crush she claims to love, Edward.

I walk into the school, leaving Bella behind to pine away with her thoughts and missing Edward. Guys aren't the most important thing in my mind, school is. Don't get me wrong, I do find Jasper Hale attractive; but if Jasper doesn't like me, I won't get all upset over something that little.

"Hi there." Alice Cullen greets he with a smile. "I'm Alice, what's your name?"

I smile at her energy, she reminds me a lot of myself. "I'm Davina Swan, it's nice to meet you Alice."

Jack walks up, and I notice how honey colored his hair is. "I'm Jack; Alice's.... Companion...."

The way he said it, it was awkward and shy, how adorable. "Hi, Jack. It's nice to meet you, as well."

"Well, I wanted to properly welcome you to Forks!" Alice chirps. "Oh, and I absolutely adore your hair!! Aren't you and your sister supposed to be twins??"

"Fraternal Twins..." I reply.

"Ah," Alice smiles. "I'll see you around, Davina."

I watch Alice and Jack away, and I find Molina's class. I sit beside Mike, my lab partner. Bella is sitting alone, since Edward is gone for a couple days.

I walk down the side of the road after school, my heels in my hand while I walk barefooted. The rain is barely sprinkling, the thunder is barely a rumble. The humidity is up.

I step into the grassy areas of the road as cars pass me.

"Cora, I saw your 'waitress needed' sign," I say to the kid woman when I finally make it to the diner, "I would like to apply for the job."

"Well, Alright." Cora smiles. "You got the job. What's your name? I'll make you a name tag."

"Davina Swan." I reply.

I put on a black apron that Cora hands me, she hands me a note pad for the orders.

"Your father just walked in, and im taking off." Cora smirks. "Good luck, it's your first day on the job."

I put on a pair of converse that Cora gave me, and I walk towards dads table, with a thing of coffee. "Hi, Dad; can i start you off with some some coffee?"

Dad simply smiles up at me, "Yes please, waitress."

I pour a cup of coffee, "your usual steak?"

"Yes, and add a baked potato." Dad replies, etching me scribble down his order.

I hand the order to the chef, and I see a dark-skinned elder sit at a table near the door.

"Hello sir, my name is Davina and I'll be your waitress this afternoon." I say, smiling. "Can I start you off with something to drink?"

The man smiles warmly at me, "unsweetened tea, please young lady."

I walk to the unsweetened fountain, and I fill a glass full~ along with a couple ice cubes.

"Smart young lady, knew a man wanted ice cubes without being told." The man smiles.

"Tea is always better cold." I reply, smiling.

"I totally agree." The man replies. "I want a hot dog and some fries for my lunch."

I scribble that down and hand the order to the chef, then grab dad's.

"Here ya go." I set the plate in front of dad, and drop some napkins beside that. "The bakes potato is good."

"Flatterer," Wilson - The chef (make pretend please)- calls, cooking the hot bod for the other customer.

"Your first day, and you're already friends with the chef." Dad smiles. "That's good."

"I wonder how Bella's doing." I mutter before I being the elderly man his hotdog and fries, along with some napkins. "Enjoy."

The lunch hour slows down as Cora returns.

"Take off." Cora smiles. "You seemed to have made friends with Asher. The old man is hard to please."

"When do I get my schedule?" I ask.

"Stop by after school tomorrow." Cora says before she walks towards the back.

"Be careful going home, Davina." Wilson calls out. "It's raining cats and dogs out there."

"It's apart of nature, Wilson." I smile.

Wilson Edgar, that's the chef's actual name.

I step outside and dad's police cruiser pulls up.

"I just got off, get in." Dad calls over the heavy rain. "I'll drive us both home."

I walk inside, and Bella smiles at me.

"Nice sneakers." Bella comments.

I eye the leather converse, smiling. "Cora, another waitress, gave them to me."

"Want some veggie burgers?" Bella asks.

"Only because I'm hungry." I smile.

I take a bite of the meatless burger; and I finish it to the final bite, I'm not known to waste. I wash the dishes up, and I go to my room. I sit on my couch, and I pull these converse off. I take my socks off, and wiggle my toes. Cora gave me a pairs of ankle socks to wear with the converse.

I climb the stairs of my bed after I am stripped down to my bra and panties, and I collapse into my bed. I burry my face into my pillow. Nausea sets in my stomach, and my knees ache. I wasn't walking that much, was I?

Pushing the pain aside, I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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