Five (5)

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Davina Swan's Point Of View
Skip to Monday, 6 Dad.

I am going back to school today after the news of I'm dying sinks in. Bella is driving me, because i don't think I'll be able to drive again.

"Davina." Angela hugs me. "Oh my god, I just heard."

I purse my lips, and I nod. "I'm dying."

Jessica frowns, "I know, and I hate it."

"Carlisle might be able to cure me." I smile. "He said he would try."

"I hope so." Mike pipes in.

"I'm going in." I say gently.

"Hey." Alice greets. "This is Rosalie."

Rosalie smiles at me; "hello, Davina."

"Hey, our dad told us what was wrong." Alice says. "I hope that's okay."

"It's fine." I whisper. "I understand."

"I want to be your friend." Rosalie says, "we all do."

"I need to get to class, but being friends is with the Cullen's was a dying wish, so I'll fulfill it."

Rosalie frowns as I walk away

My first period is history, where my sister has English. My seat is beside Jasper.

"I never got to properly introduce myself last week." Jasper says in his Texan drawl. "I'm Jasper Hale."

I smile weakly, feeling really drained today. "I'm Davina Swan."

"I'm sorry, for my behavior last week." Jasper says as he sits back.

"I forgive you, Jasper."

I sit with the Cullen's at lunch, because Rosalie had begged and pleaded. "I have my first appointment today with Carlisle, at your home."

"Chemo?" Edward ask, he gutted up and introduced himself to Bella in biology.

"Yes." I reply.

"I'll drive you." Edward says. "I live there."

I smile at him, I see why Bella likes him. I play with my food, feeling sick to my stomach, before I start coughing the normal nasty cough. Rosalie pats my back as I begin losing breath.

"Damn." I say hoarsely. "I hate that part, the coughing. The pain, the fatigue, and fever I can manage. I hate that frikken' cough."

"I know." Alice coos.

Edward drives me to the Cullen house after lunch, because I wasn't feeling up to today. He talked to Bella a little bit at the salad bar. Maybe they'll work things out.

"Davina, come on in." Carlisle places his hand on the small of my back. "Davina, this is my wife Esme."

"Hello, Esme." I greet softly.

"Hello, dear." Esme smiles. "Want a fruit bowl?"

I nod, "Thanks."

"Eat before we get started, you'll be really sleepy after this chemo round." Carlisle says. "Charlie says you can sleep here on your chemo days."

I sit at the counter as Carlisle goes to get the shot ready. Esme has be a bowl of pineapple cubes, apple slices, bear slides, and a cut up banana.

"Thank you, Esme." I say softly.

"Of course." Esme smiles in a motherly way towards me.

I walk upstairs and I find Carlisle waiting for me. "I'm ready."

Carlisle smiles sadly at me. "Have a seat, and we will get started."

Carlisle's Point Of View

Half an hour after we finished, Davina had fallen asleep. Now, school is out and the others have started to arrive.

"Is she asleep?" Rosalie asks as I make it downstairs; to the foyer, the fireplace is lit for wen Davina wakes up.

"Yes." I reply. "She fell asleep thirty minutes after her first chemo treatment."

"The treatment won't work; will it?" Alice asks.

I shake my head, "No, unfortunately."

Jasper had been silent since Rosalie asked about Davina, and got my reply. He is down, because his blood singer is dying. Davina being his blood singer also makes her his mate, which means she will be mate as a vampire too.

"I give her a year and a half, tops." I say. "When she wakes, I'm gonna take some blood and have her rest in the chair down here, where it's warm."

Davina's Point Of View

Carlisle let's me go to the foyer of the house after taking some blood, and I sit in front of the fire.

"Hey beautiful." Rosalie greets, sitting at my feet. "How are you feeling?"

I shrug. "I am dying, I don't know what I'm supposed to feel, to be honest."

Rosalie smiles at me, "of course not."

"Davina." Carlisle says, squatting in front of me. "Your cancer has grown into stage 3."

"How long so I have?" I ask with tear filled eyes.

"I give you a year and a half, tops." Carlisle replies. "I'm trying my best."

"I wanna go home." I whisper.

"I will drive you, so I can explain this to Charlie." Carlisle says. 

I walk outside, and I slide into Carlisle's car, and I fasten my seatbelt.

I flip through the channels on the tv in my room, I am not to thrilled about the news Carlisle is giving my dad and Bella. Bella just got home from her shift at Mike's moms store.

I land on a nature channel, and I smile at the hummingbirds on blue flowers. I run my fingers through my hair, and a blink of red hair falls out. I frown and I throw it in the trash. I change into some black pajama pants and a white tank top.

I lay down in my soft bed, and I fall sound asleep. I have school tomorrow.

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