Chapter 6

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**Mackenzea's POV**

I walked out of the bathroom and Zach was leaning against the wall. "Who was that and what did they want?" He sighed and looked away. "Why won't you look at me?" He just stood there. "Zach! What happened?" He sighed again, looking annoyed. "It was a detective. He had information that Emma worked here. I told him that she did but she left, and that was all that I knew." I nodded and plopped down on the bed. So, now we were suspects. What were we going to do? He stood there, not saying another word.

I exhaled slowly. "Zach, what are we going to do? What if they find us and arrest us?" He looked at me, which took my breath away. "I don't know what to say, Zea. We need to leave the city. We will probably have to leave the country." My eyes widened in fear. "But, our lives are here." Zach nodded. "We can't possibly stay here. We will eventually get caught. We need to leave as soon as possible." I knew he was right. There wasn't anything else we could do.

I grabbed my cell phone and called my family. I explained to them what happened and they gladly said we could stay. "I have a place we can go. My famly is allowing us to stay under their protection." He nodded and sat down beside me. "I understand how hard that must have been for you. Thank you for doing it for us." I hugged him against my chest. "Hopefully things will get better. It will only take a few hours to get there. Let's start packing." He nodded and grabbed a couple of suitcases and we both began to pac away our belongings for a new life.

**Zach's POV**

We drove for about six hours. I was really sick of driving, so we stopped and switched. Of course, we could only travel at night. Zea was very sensitive to the sun. By the time we arrived at Malburry Ranch, we had been traveling for twelve hours. It was pitch black outside when we pulled up to the store front. Zea sighed softly and turned off the engine. Some strange man was waiting for us patiently. Zea walked over to him and hugged him tightly. "It's great to see you, Alex. How are you?" He smiled slightly. "It's good to see you too, Z. I'm doing alright. Welcome home."

I wasn't sure what to think of the man. "Who is this?" She exhaled sharply. "My name is Zach." Alex sniffed unappreciatively and grimaced. Zea looked at me, completely terrified. Alex didn't seem too happy about me. "What are you?" Alex snarled. I sighed and tried to remain calm. "I'm a werewolf."He charged at me, wanting to kill me."Alex! Please, calm down. I'm in love with him. He's my boyfriend!"

Alex's eyes narrowed and he stopped suddenly. That was too close for my own comfort. Zea tried to reassure me with her eyes that I had nothing to worry about. The grounds of the ranch were about six acres long. There were rowes of house like buildings along with two other oddly shaped buildings.I wasn't sure if I was going to like staying here. But, at least I knew Zea would be safe here, even if that meant that I would have to leave to stay alive.

**Mackenzea's POV**

I watched him as he took in his surroundings. I smiled at him, hoping that he would relax a little bit. He nodded and carried our suitcases into our designated room. Alex seemed really angry with the fact that I was in love with a werewolf. I didn't really see the point as to why he hated Zach so much. All Zach wanted to do was protect me, not eat me. I stared at the dreary sky for a while, wondering why Alex was acting this way?

"Maybe he's just jealous?" I sighed softly, forgetting that he could read every thought that popped into my head. "Why would he be? I'm his sister. He shouldn't have any reason to feel that way."Zach nodded and continued to unpack his clothes. My body began to itch for home. I had never felt this restless before. Zach smiled at me reassuringly. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. "We will go hunting later, I promise." I nodded, wondering what teh rest of the family was doing. I hoped that Alex wasn't saying bad things about Zach to everyone in the family.

There was a soft knock on the bedroom door, jolting me out of my fantasy. When I opened the door, Marcus was standing there smiling. "Welcome home. I had heard that you had arrived and I wanted to say hello. How are you?" I smiled at him and hugged him. "I am doing fine. Just unpacking and relaxing." He looked at me strangely. I wondered what he was thinking. Zach appeared beside me and stared at Marcus. "Who's this?" Zach sounded really annoyed. Marcus couldn't help but grin at him."I'm Marcus. Z and I were engaged once. " I could feel the heat radiating off of Zach. This was not going to end well.

**Zach's POV**

"What happened to break you two apart?" Marcus seemed completely clueless as to what I was doing. "We just weren't good for each other.But, it's no big deal. I've moved on and so has she." I was infuriated. Zea just looked at me helplessly.  She knew what was going on but didn't want to do anything about it. I was about to throw Marcus out when he told us that Alex needed to speak to us. I sighed softly and walked towards the office in silence.

Something was not right. Alex was sitting down waiting patiently for us. "I have been more informed on your situation. I am glad that you came to us for help. We can keep you save as long as you would like." I nodded, still angry about Marcus. Alex grinned at me. "Don't worry about him. His fool of a heart will only become broken again." I felt a little better and looked at Zea. She seemed a little disorriented.

I rubbed her back gently, trying to soothe her a little. She smiled at me, making my heart grow warm. My skin began to itch uncontrollably. The change was coming a couple of days early. Alex looked at me, understanding growing in his eyes. I left his office as quickly as I could. The moon brightly sat in the night sky. I transformed, shedding my clothes as I ran. I felt bad about leaving Zea by herself, but I knew it couldn't be helped.

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