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That’s the strongest emotion that Thomas was feeling as he opened to door to his home. Black bag in hand. He was so excited to open his home for his chipmunks. It’s too bad that Theodore wasn’t here, the four of them could have had so much fun. But he guessed that it was for the best, the youngest wasn’t old enough to understand any of this anyways.

Oh well.

Thomas shrugged, making his way over to his special room. Turning and locking the door as he did so and pulled the string for the light. He set the bag down on the recliner and opened it up.

There they were, his small, furry beauties. Ever so gently he picked up the blue clad chipmunk, still unconscious, and placed him inside the black dog cage he had baught and prepared for them, doing the same for Alvin, setting them next to each other. He put the lock on and turned the key, setting it in his pocket for safe keeping. He knew he would have to get a lock like this, knowing that Simon was smart enough to figure out the code himself from scratch. The boy was a genius, which was one of the reasons why he loved him so much.

The cage was big, large enough to hold a husky or a Labrador. He put a bowl of water and a bowl of various fruits, vegetables, breads, and cheeses; knowing full well that they want to eat a bit of each every day.

He had set them both down on a big cushy blanket that had a few tiny pillows that he handmade himself just for them.

He wanted them to be very comfortable because he planned to have them for a very long time.

He sat down in the chair and watched them, adoring how cute they were when they were asleep. But something caught his eye, and it had him tilting his head in confusion.

Alvin was damp, sweat soaked fur covered his neck and face and his nose wasn’t pink like it was supposed to be. It was a bright red. Thomas frowned in concern when he noticed that the chipmunk was shivering and holding his arms.

He got up and adjusted him closer to his brother and put a light blanket over him, not wanting him cold but not wanting him to over heat either. He closed and locked the cage again, grabbing a hat and coat.

“I’ll be back, boys. I’m going to get you supplies.” He felt so responsible, a flutter of happiness erupted knowing that he was about to help his Alvin Seville come out of a fever.

Off to get medicine and a thermometer he locked the door behind him and disappeared on his bike.

Simon woke up groggy, wiping his face and sitting up. He groaned, feeling a wreck. His head was pounding and he really needed to brush his teeth. Yawning, he tried getting up when he bumped into something next to him. Alvin.

'What’s he doing in my bed?' he thought. He didn’t care, it’s not like they hadn’t shared a bed before. He let it go and got up, not fully comprehending his surroundings yet. He stepped off something that was way too short to be his bed but it only crossed his mind briefly. The only thing he knew right now was that he needed to brush his teeth. But when he crashed into something metal and then almost tripped over something with water in it he woke up a little more.

Confusion settled in when his dazed mind saw that he wasn’t in his room and he didn’t just walk out of his bed, then his eyes widened when memory flooded back to him. He turned blurry and unresponsive eyes in every direction trying to break the thick walls down that were blocking him from full realization. When he realized he was in a cage he stepped over to the edge of it, trying to find the door. When he did, he saw the lock and that it needed a key.

“Oh snap…” He wasn’t fully awake but he understood what was going on now. He turned back to Alvin, who was still asleep. He jumped over to the elder and shook him. “Alvin… Alvin wake up, we got a situation here.”

MunknappedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora