Young Ben Solo x Reader (Fluff)

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A/N: Hi! If the reads go well I will write a smut version. Comment if you'd like smut!
Picture from:
Your P.O.V

That's him, across the way, his hair is gorgeous, his skin is lovely, but his eyes, his eyes! "Y/N, it's your turn.." Master Luke holding out the wooden lightsaber, taking it gingerly and looking up only to see Ben Solo holding the other wooden lightsaber. Oh no, he's amazing, he's fantastic at this.

Your relationship with Ben Solo began months ago, when you arrived at the camp. He always seemed to want you around him, when he asked you out, you were speechless, never telling anyone.

Bowing and swallowing, defect his blow, don't try to win, just try to defend. He had a way of looking, making me blush, he's just a hormone filled boy, he's doing it to get to you. He smacked the wooden saber down and smacked you straight off your feet and onto the floor. But your head hurt, he'd hit you in the face, across your ear.

You couldn't hear much, opening your eyes he was looking down at you, him and Luke pulling you up. "Y/N, are you okay?" Nodding blushing. His eyes guilt filled "Master Luke, I'll take her to her Hut, stay with her.." he nodded. As Ben carried you quietly you began to close your eyes, "no no, Y/N, don't go to sleep, you might have a concussion.." kicking the door open, and walking in he tenderly places you down, on your bed. "I'll get you a blanket..." pulling out draws finally finding a blanket and beginning to tuck you in. "He knows.." suddenly you declared. Frowning Ben stared "what?" Chewing your lip "Luke, he knows.." blushing and stretching. "He can't, we are so careful.." Shaking your head "I believe he knows.."

Finally his arm around you as he kisses your head "come on, go to sleep, I can't imagine he will kick us out. We train like everyone else, we try hard.." his voice sent you straight over the edge dozing into Ben's arms. "I love you.." whispering sweetly.

Star Wars Oneshots (Requests Open)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora