Chapter 8

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This night couldn't have been any more perfect. When Shawn and I got back to his room we instantly got changed. I didn't have extra clothes on me so shawn gave me a hoodie and his sweatpants. Shawn changed and was wearing grey sweatpants and lied shirtless. Before I realize it, Shawn has already made his way in bed. I look over to see shawn patting the bed next him. Without any thought I jump in next to him.

"I'm so happy you came" he said while stroking my hair

"Me too mendes" I reply with a cheeky smile

"Please, call me your shawn" he says while cupping my cheek.

"Well you are my one and only shawn" I gently reply.

And before any of us can say anything, he crashes his lovely pink lips on mine. I kiss him back and open my mouth a little. I feel his tongue battling with mine and I don't complain. His lips were so soft and perfect. I can definitely get used to this more often. All of sudden he breaks the kiss. I sit up and pout.

"Why did you pull away?" I ask with a frown still on my face.

"Because I have a better idea" he replies with a smirk.

And once again, before I can say or ask anything he crashes his lips on me. He starts putting his hands up my sweatshirt and on to my bear back. I decide to move my hips around, just to make it more interesting. I can definitely tell he liked it because I feel him getting harder. Without breaking the kiss at all, he moves me over and now he's on top of me. He plays with my hair and I stare into those lovely brown eyes that I've loved for the longest.

"I love you so much Lindsey" he says while kissing my cheek.

"I love you too" I reply while blushing.

Then he shoots off of me to the edge of the bed and I started to get worried.

"No, I really mean it" shawn begins to say.

"What do you me-" Shawn cuts me off before I can finish my sentence.

"I really love you. I loved you since the very first time I laid eyes on you. I knew you were the one for me. From the moment I first laid eyes on you when I came out on stage, to the moment I asked to see you again, I knew. I love you with all my heart and I want to be with you."

Shawn slowly comes over and grabs my hands.

"Lindsey, will you please be my girlfriend?" he asks with his face very close to mine

This was a no brainer.

"Yes Shawn of course I will" gladly responding while kissing his soft pink lips.

By the time this was over, I was officially exhausted and so was Shawn. Even before I can say goodnight and go back to my room with Samantha, I look over to see the most adorable sleeping shawn. God he looked so cute. And to think that I have him all to myself.

I go over to the side of him and slightly lean over to him

"Good night shawn, I love you." I whisper in his ear while kissing his cheek afterward. And then I got up and walked back to my room

My room was only a couple of doors down. I just got here and I know that all the boys are on this floor. I just wonder where. I guess I will find out tomorrow. Buy that was in the back of my thoughts. The only thing I'm focused about is what just happened. He actually likes me and asked me to be his girlfriend. I can't believe this happened. I just can't wait to tell Samantha tomorrow morning. This was only our first official day at magcon and I can already tell that the next few days are going to be the best days of my life.

The boy with the brown eyes and a big heart (Shawn Mendes fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now