My Whole Life Was A Lie

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"Ethan why are you here?!" You yell.

"Because, Gray kicked me out along with my stuff" He said pointing to all his stuff on the floor.

"Come in" You say.

He walks in and you take his stuff to the guest bedroom.

"Baby, thats not where I'm sleeping!" He says from the doorway.

"Then where?" You say.

"With you baby" He says.

All of a sudden he picks you up and swings over his shoulder then ran to your room which has a queen sized bed. He placed you down then stripped to his white Calvin boxers then hoped in bed with you. You got under the cover he got under to, you had your back facing him so he turned you around then kissed you.

"Goodnight baby, thanks for letting me stay" He says.

"Your welcome babe" You say as you lay your head on his bare chest.

He played with your hair until you both fell asleep.

The Next Month

You and Ethan have been living together for a month now, you haven't talked to Grayson but he has been giving you stares that seemed full of anger but sadness.

You walk out of class you were walking to you locker when someone taps your shoulder.


"What is it?" You say.

"I just wanted to tell you I never cheated on 3 other girls I just kissed Jenna that's it" He says looking down.

You just stare at him.

"When I made the deal I never thought I will actually fall for you" He says looking in your eyes.

"WHAT DEAL?!!!" You yell in the empty hall.

"Well...Jack and Cameron said to me and Ethan one of us has to be able to date you and then break your heart" He says looking down.

"I stopped the deal ever since we met everyday at Lunch" He says.

"But Ethan...Well he is still determined to win the money" He says.

You stare at his eyes while yours get watery.

"That's why I kicked him out...Oh and the money was a total of $500 both Cameron and Jack got this money" He said.

You then feel streams of tears down your face, Grayson pulls you into a hug.

"I only did it because I always had a thing for you, but I have a Girlfriend now" He said.

This made you cry more.

"W...h...o?" You say while crying.

"Amanda" He replies.

Bitch What

Wait...Wait I thought Amanda never liked him, You thought

"How long?" You say.

"Umm, well since a month ago" He said.

"" You said in between sobs.

You turn and wipe your tears away and begin to walk to the Cafeteria until you heard voices coming from outside at the back of the school.

You walk out to see Jack,Cameron,Grayson,Amanda,Ethan,Meredith and June. You immediately hide around the corner.

"Well I told her" Grayson says.
"Good, I never liked that Bitch anyway" Ethan says.
The Girls chuckle.
"Okay so the plan is that when it's Prom we will publicly embarrass her" Amanda says.
"Okay, but how will we bring the Paints and stuff to use on her" Grayson says.

At this point you broke down non-stop tears.

Amanda was never your real friend.

You were just a tool for both Ethan and Grayson.

June was not the kind person she seemed to be.

And well, Jack and Cameron were always dicks.

Something caught your attention.

"I can't believe we made this plan to destroy her 3 years ago" Ethan says.

It was a set up

Amanda came to you on purpose.

June did too.

3 fucking years ago.

You ran away straight to home.

At Home

Once you got home you grabbed all of Ethan's stuff and through it outside. You then pack your bags, you were leaving, you reached your breaking point and now your out of all there lives.

You arrived at the Bus stop and sat you were gonna confront them. You go on Skype and created a group chat featuring... Jack,Cameron,Grayson,Amanda,Ethan,Meredith and June. Before you called them you go on Camera to fix your face.

You had bloodshot red puffy eyes, make up smeared everywhere and mascara falling down your checks. You fix your make-up and Pressed CALL.


You:"Hey guys!"

You chuckle once you realise they are standing in different places outside so you wouldn't notice.

Amanda: "Whats so funny?"
Ethan: "Yeah Babe, and what's with your eyes".

You: "Well let's say I heard stuff I wasn't suppose to hear. Like how you guys all made a stupid deal 3 years ago and I was going to be humiliated at prom!" You yell.

All: *Gasp*. They then start to question you so you hang up.

The Bus was here so you hoped on and off you went to New York.

To be Continued......

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