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Your still upset, You blocked Grayson's number yesterday during your chat. You thought he felt the same, you feel pathetic that he used you along with 3 other girls. But it doesn't matter he doesn't feel the same, and plus Ethan is now your Boyfriend and you know he will treat you better than Grayson did.

*Ding Dong* Your Doorbell rung.
You run downstairs and opened the door to see nothing. Your about to close the door when you see something on your doorstep it's a package. You didn't order anything so you were curious, you opened it. It was filled with a bunch of Pictures with you and Grayson. You looked through all of them you started to cry. You noticed a Letter at the bottom.

I'm sorry,
I Fucked up, and I miss you!. I broke up with Jenna for you!.
Take me back Y/N, I swear I'll never hurt you again. Please.
-Your BabyBoy Grayson

You wanted to forgive him you really did, but you couldn't because 3 reasons.

1- Ethan is YOUR Boyfriend.
2- 3 other girls are feeling the pain too.
3- The Fact he did Cheat on you because you don't do that to someone you "Love".

You look up and you see Ethan standing there, He looked Mad.

"Whats that?!" Ethan says.
"Grayson's 'Apology' package" You respond.
"Let me see" Ethan says viciously as he snatches the package out your hands.

He looked through everything, The Photos and even read the Letter he ripped up the Letter.

"Ethan!, why would you do that!" You yell.
"Because his trying to steal you back!" He yells back.

You kissed him and he kissed back. He picked you up and you wrap your legs around his waist. He walked to your room and sat down with you on his lap, Ethan broke the kiss he stared at your neck and then roughly kissed it all over leaving Hickeys everywhere. He then kissed you again.

"Let's watch something together, Fuck School it's Friday anyway." He says. You Nod.

You were already in your Sports bra and underwear so you laid down on your bed. Ethan stood in front of staring at your body he bit his lip. He then took his shirt off and you starred at his 6-pack he then took his pants off he was left in White Boxers you guys were matching All White everything. You and Him got under the covers and watched movies all day.

Later at Night

Ethan left, you were Home alone it was raining in fact there was a Storm. You put on some warm clothes since it was freezing all of a sudden you heard thunder and saw lightning you flinched.

*Ding Dong* Wtf, Who is at the door it's raining the poor person is soaking. You walk to the door and slowly opened it to reveal.


He was soaked his hair was all wet, his clothes drenched you looked at him and he did to you too. His eyes were Blood shot he must of been Crying. You let him in. You run upstairs grabbed towels and some of his spare clothes he left at your house while you guys were still Dating. You told him to take a shower, he just simply nodded you texted Ethan saying Grayson is here he seemed Angry so he came over. After Grayson was done you all sat there quietly you could feel the Tension between the Boys. Until Ethan spoke.

"So Grayson, why are you here?" Ethan asked.

"I wanted to talk to Y/N and I was scared of the Storm" Grayson says, Ethan scoffed.

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