Chapter 20

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I woke up with a killer headache. Tom and I definitely got pissed last night. I don't remember much of what happened last night after Tom and I started downing shots. All I remmeber was that it was late and I could barely stand. Tom appeared to be asleep, even though it was nearly 12. He's never been a morning person. I slid out of bed and decided to go downstairs and see who else was awake. I was going down the stairs when I heard several voices coming from the dining room. I sat down on one of the steps on the stairs and listened in on their conversation. 

"A wild one, that girl is." said Max with a chuckle.

"Just like Tom." Jay added.

"Which is why they're so good together. They both love to party." Siva said.

"Hey Nath, was Liz always a party girl?" Jay asked.

"No, not really. We've known each other since we were toddlers. She's always been really focused on school. She always put her education first. Once that was out fo the way, she partied. The last time I saw her, we were both underage so we couldn't really party too hard. Legally, at least. Let's just say that last night wasn't the first time I had to carry her home because she was too drunk, though."

"You said that the last time you saw her was a year ago, why was that?" Max asked.

"Well we're not exactly friends. We hate each other, so once I left town, there really was no point in visiting each other, right? She was probably glad that I was gone. I was glad to be gone."

"What was Tom saying then, about how when he first met Liz, you two were friends?" Siva asked.

"Her boyfriend cheated on her and I was the only one around. I tried to be nice to help her feel better, that was during the time when Tom and Lizzy first met."

"Poor girl. How long were they together?" Max asked.

"About a year." 

"What an ass." Jay said.

I should've just gone down there, but it seemed too awkward. It was going to be awkward especially since they were just talking about me. I decided to go back to the room for awhile and come back down in 10 minutes or so. 

I got back to the room to find Tom still sleeping. It was after 12 now. Suddenly, I had an idea. I stealthily walked down the stairs, being careful not to make too much noise and wake Tom up. I headed to the kitchen in search for whipped cream. The boys' heads automatically turned to me when I walked in.

"Morning!" Jay said, sounding awfully cheerful today.

"Morning guys." I said, trying to sound as cheerful as possible.

I opened the fridge door and spotted a few cans of whipped cream. I grabbed one before heading back upstairs.

"What are you up to?" Siva asked curiously.

"I think it's time for Tom to wake up."  I said with a mischevious smile as I shook the can of whipped cream.

"Brilliant! I wanna help." Jay said as he immediately jumped out of his chair and followed me up the stairs.

The rest of the boys followed as well. I grabbed a tube of red lipstick as well as the whipped cream. First, I smeared lipstick all over his cheeks. 

"Can I do something?" Jay asked.

I nodded and handed him the can of whipped cream. He sprayed whipped cream on Tom's eyebrows and it was so difficult to stay quiet and not laugh.

"My turn." Max said as Jay handed him the whipped cream. He sprayed the cream all over Tom's chin, creating a whipped cream mustache and beard.

"It's Santa!" Siva whispered.

Jay immediately snapped out his phone and took a picture of Tom, or "Santa". 

"This is going on twitter." Jay said while imitating the quiet version of an evil laugh.

"Now let's wake him up." I whispered. 

The boys then started to make as much noise as possible. Jumping on th bed, screaming, stomping their feet, clapping, you name it. Tom's eyes opened instantly and he groaned as his hand reached his face.

"What the hell is this?!" Tom exclaimed, gesturing to the gunk on his face.

"It was all Liz!" Jay said as he ran down the stairs.

"Don't blame all this on me, McGuiness!" I yelled out as I followed Jay down the stairs.

"I'm gonna get you!" Tom said as he jumped out of bed and started chasing me.

I ran as fast as I could down those stairs. Jay was lounging on the couch laughing and the rest of the boys were following Tom, clearly enjoying this.

I ran into the kitchen, hoping to get away from Tom. I suddenly saw him running towards me and I was cornered. There was no way out of this.

"Gotcha!" Tom said as he picked me up and planted a kiss on my lips. He went out of his way to make sure that lots of whipped cream and lipstick got onto my face.

"Tom!" I squealed.

Now we were both covered in whipped cream and red lipstick.

"Aw. Look at the two lovebirds." Max said as he snapped a picture of our matching faces.

"You better not post that." I said.

"Don't count on it, missy!" Max said with a chuckle.

"You have whipped cream and lipstick all over your face." Tom said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You do too, Parker." I said as I moved closer to him.

'I guess we should probably go wash our faces." I said.

"That might be a smart idea." Tom responded with a huge grin on his face.

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