Chapter 8

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Nathan's P.O.V

Shit. I had said that, but I didn't mean it in the way she was implying. I just meant that Jake used to be a player, and it wouldn't be shocking if he went back to his old ways. I felt terrible for saying that. I really was an asshole. 

I wrapped Lizzy in a warm embrace and she buried her face in my chest. She really was beautiful, even with her make-up running down her face and her eyes swollen from crying so much. I felt awful for saying those things. I never realised how one little comment can make a girl feel this way. I 've only ever had 2 real girlfriends. The first one, Emma, broke up with me and I was upset for weeks, but I got over it. My second girlfriend,  Becca, was lovely. We had a wonderful time together and we dated for a few months. Eventually, we grew apart and I broke up with her. Did girls really feel this way when heartbroken? I'd never cheaten on a girl before, and now I know that I never will. Seeing Lizzy like this really hurt me. She was broken. I'm surprised she even had any tears left after crying so much. I never wanted to make a girl feel this way. I had to start being nicer to Lizzy. I think she's been holding all of her tears in ever since I've been saying rude things to her. If I didn't stop, I'm afraid she might do something really stupid and I would feel responsible. I would do whatever it takes to make Lizzy feel better. It was partly my fault, so I had to make this right.

I Found You- A Nathan Sykes FanFictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon