Chapter 26

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I nodded and led him downstairs and outside, where I was sure Nathan wouldn't hear.

"Tom, how much of that conversation did you hear?"

"Just the end of it. Listen, Liz. If you want to go out with Nath, I'm ok with it. That's what I've been thinking about. I love you, Liz. I always will, but I think I love you more like a sister. That's why I guess my drunken self thought it was ok to go snogging another girl, because I love you like family. I still regret what I did the other night and I'll never forgive myself for it, but I'm hoping you can and we can still be good friends."

"Really? I forgive you, Tom. Of course I forgive you. But what I wanted to say was that I think of you as family too. I love you, but like a brother. I don't know why it's taken me so long to realize this. Don't beat yourself up over the other night, Tom. I overreacted."

"I love you." Tom said as he pulled me into a hug.

"I love you too, Parker." 

"Well, I think I'm gonna go find the boys at the club. Do you wanna come?" 

"Naw, I think I'm gonna go talk to Flyboy. Besdies, I'm not exactly dressed for the occasion." I chuckled as I gestured to my lazy outfit and messy hair and smudged eye makeup. 


Tom's P.O.V

I couldn't believe that I had just done that. I let her go. I said all of those things to Liz so that she wouldn't feel guilty for loving Nath. Knowing Liz, if she knew that I still loved her as a girlfriend, she would never feel right about being with my mate, Nathan. I had orignally came back to the house to plead for forgiveness, but instead I overheard Liz telling Nathan that she loved him. I guess he came back from the club early. I would miss her so much. I knew that it was the right thing to do though. I've always known that she liked Nath. Her face always lit up when he walked into the room and I saw the way she looked at him. It would be cruel to stand in the way of that love. People always say, "If you love something, let it go", which was what I did. If it never came back, then it was never yours in the first place. I knew Liz would never come back to me, meaning that she really was never mine. It would take some time to get over her, but it made me feel a little better knowing that Nathan would take care of her and not hurt her like I did.


Liz's P.O.V

I quickly ran up the stairs to go find Nathan. I realized that I never actually told him why I was crying. I would be sure to explain it all later. 

"Nathan?" I yelled out. He wasn't in his room. I frantically ran through the house, calling out for him, but I got no response. I ran out the door, still calling his name. Where did he go?


 Nathan's P.O.V

I couldn't believe that I'd been so stupid. I should have never confessed my feelings for Lizzy. I probably just ruined her relationship with Tom. I felt terrible. Why did I always manage to screw things up? I snuck out the back door while Liz and Tom were talking outside. I couldn't be there to face the two of them when they came back inside. I had no idea where I was going and I honestly didn't care. It was dark out and I stuck to walking on the streets that weren't busy. I needed time to think.


Liz's P.O.V

I continued walking down the streets near the house. I could barely see anything because of the darkness that surrounded me. Where was Nathan? Why did he leave? I ran frantically up and down various streets in search for him. There was nobody else around. I continued walking for several minutes before I spotted a dark figure across the street. The darkness prevented me from recognizing the figure, but I took a chance and assumed it was Nath.

"Nathan!?" I yelled out from across the street.

The person turned around and faced me and the streetlight was now shining in his face, proving that it truly was Nathan. I quickly ran across the street to Nathan, but I never got there. I should've been on the other side of the road now, in Nathan's arms, but instead I was slammed by a heavy force and left on the pavement to suffer.

"LIZZY!" Nathan screamed as he ran towards me. 

I was bleeding and in so much pain, I could feel it now. Nathan was by my side, panicking. He quickly pulled out his phone and started dialling numbers.

"Yes, hello. My girlfriend just got hit by a car that came out of nowhere. The driver didn't stop, he just kept on going. He was clearly drunk and going much faster than he should've been. There's a lot of blood and she's in a lot of pain." Nathan said quickly. He gave the person the address of our whereabouts, and I noticed that he called me his girlfriend. I smiled at my new title and felt the world turn to blackness.

I Found You- A Nathan Sykes FanFictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora