They wrapped up the song, and as the music stopped you could already hear the sniffles and sobbing coming from amongst the crowd. "You may be seated." The pastor said, and we all took our seats. "Today, we are here to pay tribute and respect to a young man, father and son; Alonzo Flemington. Many have come from near and far who respected him, loved him, and looked up to him. To say that I knew him personally, is not sad but it is an honour because of his strength and determination that I've seen him have ownership of over the years. We are here to show support and comfort to his beautiful family, as they go through this time of grief. We pray that God grants them with understanding, comfort and most importantly strength to go on." He cleared his throat again and looked over his glasses at the congregation. "At this time, I'm going to call his aunt Shirley to the stage to say a few words."

Lucas wrapped his arm around my shoulder as my father's aunt spoke, then his uncle, Tamara, then Big Mike from the community centre also went up to say a few words. They were kind, some of them bringing tears to my eyes, knowing the smile my dad would've had on his face if he would've been here to hear these things being said. In between a couple people sang, and there was a musical rendition that went on as a bit of an intermission.

After everyone was settled he turned his direction to me, and gave me a nod. I simply took a deep breath before standing to my feet and making my way onto the stage. "Hello..." I said while pulling out my phone and opening up my notes. "I really don't want to be up here today, so I'm going to make this short..." I looked over at the crowd causing my hands to shake my throat to tighten up, but then I looked down at him as he laid there so peacefully, and I let out a small sigh. "Today as we are here to lay down my father to rest, and I can't lie nor can I fake these emotions that I'm feeling inside so please just allow me to be brutally honest." I adjusted my sunglasses, "I just want to say that I am truly broken inside. I am the kind of broken that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, and I didn't get enough time with him, nor did any of my siblings. I didn't get enough time to make him proud, he didn't get to witness me walk across a stage, or see me accomplish all that he knew I'd be able to accomplish... I didn't get the chance to say that I was sorry for the way I acted or even some of the words I said."

"My father was a good man, that was put into a society that hated him, an environment that didn't see him worth until today and for that I am broken. I wish he was here to hear me say how much I love him, and how much he means to me, how much I miss him... how much I miss hearing him rap those horrible songs in the car when he was dropping me to school. I wish he were here to kiss my forehead and call my princess like old times. To tickle me no matter how many times I explained to him that I was grown..."

"My dad loved with an indescribable love that I wish to possess as I grow up in life, and although he wasn't perfect... I know he tried to be the best that he could possibly be. I hope that today you all reflect on the moments spent with my dad, that you reflect on the memories that you may have, as well as that you show your loved ones how much they mean to you; while you have the chance... because trust me, this..." I pointed down at him, then looked back at the crowd. "This isn't easy."

I locked my phone, and handed the mic back to the pastor who hugged me, in the warmth of his arms I began to break down. Luckily enough Lucas was right behind me, taking over and bringing me down to my seat.

Samantha King - Flemington

My heart was shattered watching Nya be brought down to her seat, her sobs echoed through the church; setting everyone else off. I watched as the Pastor looked over at me, and I nodded; giving him the go-ahead. "Now, we will be hearing from Mrs. Flemington."

I braced myself, and made my way up there.

The pastor and I shared a hug, before he handed me the mic. I placed my note book down, opening it to the first page, and then took a deep breath before I spoke. "I want to thank every single person that made it out this morning, we as a family cannot even find the words to express our gratitude because thank you just isn't enough. For your prayers, for the support, for the love. As I stand here and look at you, my heart is warmed to know that even though he didn't feel loved at times, this right here is proof that he was. Alonzo was a lover, he went through the struggle, and built up a life for his family out of the nothing that he had. That being something he continued to do up until he took his last br-br.. breath. Alonzo granted me the opportunity to be the mother that I never had when I was growing up, or that I thought I could be... and I thank him for that." I cleared my throat and tilted my head to the side.

III: The Redemption (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now