12. One Less Thing To Worry About

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Alonzo Flemington

"Damn, how do you get her to play along?" I asked Eazy, as I double tapped the video that Charlotte had posted earlier. We were sitting by the bar of the house while the crazy number of movers filled up the empty space. London strutted around, telling them where she wanted everything while Nya was up in her room riding out her grounding.

"Lots and lots of punishment. She was a tough cookie to crack, but I can truly say that I got her on lock now."

"Even with you being out of town?"

"Even so. I got a guy named Travis working for me. Trust that guy with my life and with him being here I know she can't try anything stupid."

"Damn, I'm trying to get like you."

"Soon bro, I can tell you already don't give a damn about anything and that's the first step."

"Why do you say that?" I sipped on the whiskey in my cup and glared over at him.

"I can just tell."


"Your whole demeanor has changed, you're more focused on getting this money than you have ever been which is good to see. However, on the other hand you're doing some real savage shit."

"Like what?"

"Like... you got a whole other female in here, setting up a house for you and your family to live in. That includes your WIFE. I know Sam isn't down for playing sister wives so what's the deal? You never said nothing about this Paris chick in the Christmas cards."

"It's nothing." I shrugged, "there's a time and a season for everything and right now just isn't Sam's. London's fun and all but she has a season as well, when I'm ready for Sam, she'll be mine again."

"Or so you think."

"So, I know."

"Listen, I don't know much about women but I do know that when you find a good thing you cherish it. That girl has been by your side for your highs and your lows, she's a keeper and the longer you take to fix whatever issue that you got is the more you're pushing her into another mans arms."

"Impossible, aint no other man going to change the way she feels about me. I've been living this single life while being married for the longest and you want to know why? Because she can't get over me." I took another sip and placed the cup down onto the table again. "Trust she will still be here when her season comes back around." I stood to my feet and placed the cup into the sink, as I stretched out the kinks in my body. We were three hours into this process and I had gotten a text from my driver that Sam and the kids were now on the way, I had to prepare myself for the hell that was about to go down!

"What are you doing down here anyways?" I asked, him as I made my way to the backyard to have a smoke. Eazy trailed behind me, taking the other cigarette, I held up for him.

"Apart from coming to see what was going on with you, along with offering some help to get you some better recruits. I'm just here to see my moms, she hasn't been doing so well."

"Damn, sorry to hear."

"It's life, I can't expect her to be here forever."

"I know that's right." I said through a cloud of muffled smoke. "I appreciate you coming down though, I'm going to need as much help as I can get."

"Oh, I know." He said with a chuckle. "But for real, what's going on?"

"You know of a man named Hezzy?"

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