6. Baby Fever

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This chapter is dedicated to shivers11 Futuregyal @sean1209 & Lil_Shay12 ! Thanks for the support guy ❤️

Alonzo Flemington

"Baby fever." London cooed, pointing at a woman in the hotel lobby, rocking a baby in her arms.

"You better take something for that fever."

"Why? You don't wanna make babies with me?" she pouted, looking up at me. "I want to be a mother one day."

"Lord knows, I have enough babies running around as it is. Play house with one of them for a day and your whole perspective will change."

"I doubt it. I see the pregnancy glow and I want that."

I hated conversations like this, knowing that this is where her head was at; meant it was time for me to cut ties. London was getting too invested emotionally and like I said before; it wasn't what I needed. I had a wife at home, waiting for me. This was just for fun. "Can't you buy glow in the store or something...? Like Nya does?"

"Stop playing!" she said, hitting me. "I've been meaning to ask... why is it that she's always calling you with updates on the baby?"

"Who are you talking about?"


I swallowed the lump in my throat, "Mr. Flemington." I heard the lady at the desk call out just in time! I literally jumped to my feet, handing her all my papers. It was about time; I felt as if I was waiting out here forever. "I'm sorry Mr. Flemington, I called you over to let you know that there seems to be an issue with your reservation. The hotel is unfortunately overbooked for this weekend and since you were one of the last to make your reservation we cannot put you up."

"What do you mean the hotel is overbooked? I made reservations from last week, not to mention you had us waiting here for them to get a room ready. Now you're telling me that there are no rooms available?" I barked at the front desk lady, causing London to place her hand against my shoulder; trying to calm me down.

"I'm sorry sir, this normally happens whenever there's a big game. It's very unfortunate but we can give you a full refund as well as a rain check for any date of your choice; taken care of by the hotel of course."

"Nah, I don't want no rain check. I want a room now." I hissed.

"I know but there really isn't anything we can do sir, we've called our sister hotels as well and everything is booked out."

"Ugh!" I slapped my hand against the desk, then turned around and grabbed my bags from the front, leaving the hotel.

I threw London and my things into the back of the car, before walking over to her side and opening the door for her. Once she was in, I shut it and walked over to the driver's side. I hopped in and rested my head against the steering wheel; taking a couple deep breaths to calm myself down.

"Babe, it's going to be alright. I'll just keep calling around to find somewhere."

I was more than agitated now; not only was the ride down here hell, but we had to spend two hours in this hotel lobby, waiting for a room then to be told they don't even have a room for us? That was just icing on the cake. I had this whole weekend planned out, not only for London's enjoyment but I was down here for a business purposes, I not only was an hour late for the meeting I hadn't showered, nor found out where I would be resting my head for the night.

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