You walked down the aisle of the plane, and found your assigned seats. You sat down by the window, and buckled your seat belt.

After everyone had boarded, a flight attendant came around to check everyone's seat belts.

After a few minutes, you heard,

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. Thank you for choosing to fly with us, and prepare for takeoff."

The plane started to move onto the runway. You twiddled your thumbs. You did that when you were nervous, And Mark knew that, too. He took your hand and smiled at you.

All of the sudden, the engines got really loud and the plane started accelerating. It got faster and faster, and the G force was so strong it pushed you against your seat.

Then, You looked outside at the ground. The plane was lifting off the ground! In a matter of maybe 30 seconds, you were really far up.

You looked out your window in awe.
Mark saw the look on your face and laughed.

"Pretty cool huh?"

You nodded.

Eventually, you got bored of looking out the window, because you had gotten so high up that you could only see clouds.

Over the next couple of hours, you and Mark spent your time talking, and occasionally getting snacks from the flight attendants.

The seatbelt light came on again, and an announcement was made that "We are beginning our descent into Los Angeles, California"

You slightly bounced up and down in your seat, excited. You asked Mark:

"Who's gonna pick us up from the airport?"

"I think Katherine and Tyler are."


You had seen Mark's friends (or like you liked to call them, Teamiplier) In his videos before, and You were looking forward to meeting them.

The plane landed smoothly, and you and Mark got off the plane.
You got your check bags, and went to go find Tyler and Katherine.

Mark texted Tyler to tell him we were here, and no later did he press send, you spotted the two.

They saw you too, and ran over to greet you.

The two of them hugged Mark and welcomed him back, and then turned facing you. Tyler was the first to speak.

"Hi, I'm Tyler. You must be (Y/N)."
He reached out to shake your hand.

You shook it saying,
"Yep.. that's me.. nice to meet you."

Then Katherine spoke up and said,
"Hi, (Y/N), I'm Katherine."

"Hi. Nice to meet you too."
You were kind of nervous about meeting them, but they seemed nice.

You and Katherine started talking on the way to the van, and Mark was talking to Tyler.

When you got in the van, Katherine drove, and Mark sat with you in the back.

When you got to Mark's place, Katherine parked the van.

"We're here!"
Mark said.

You got out and followed Mark to the door. When he opened it, the first thing you saw was a big golden blur running towards Mark.

"CHICA!" Mark yelled.
You followed him inside watched as he greeted the dog.
"How's my Chica bica? Oh I missed you so much, yes I did! Who's a good girl? Yes! You!"

Chica then came up to you and sniffed you. She barked a couple times, and then licked your hand.

"I think she likes you." Said Mark.

Then a girl with platinum blonde hair followed by a brown haired boy came around the corner.

They came up to you and Mark.

"Ethan, Amy, (Y/N).
(Y/N), Ethan and Amy."
Mark said, pointing to everyone as he said their names.

"Hey!" Said Amy and Ethan simultaneously.

"Hi.." You said, smiling.

There was an awkward silence for a few seconds.

Mark, of course, broke it.

"Well (Y/N), I'll show you to your room, and you can get settled in."

And that he did. He led you to a room he had set up just for you.
You put down your suitcases, and started to unpack.

A little bit later, you heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" You say.

A head pops in the door. It's Ethan.

"Hi.. can I help you?" You ask him.

"That's funny," he says, "I came in here to ask you the same thing!"

"What?" You say, confused.

His face turns a light pink.
"Uh.. sorry.. what I meant was, do you need any help unpacking?"

"Ohhh.." You say, realizing what he meant. "Well actually, I just got finished. But thank you."

"Ok.. well Mark and Amy and I are going to play some Mario Kart in a little bit if you want to play, or just watch."

"Sounds good."

"Okie dokie! See you in a bit then!" He says, then he shuts the door.

You feel welcomed here. Mark's friends are nice. Maybe you are ready for a big change.

Thx again for reading
(Stick with me it'll get better i promise lol)

Little Sisterplier Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ