these are the lies || bbh

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member : baekhyun

type : light angst

traits / qualities : ex boyfriend baekhyun x ex girlfriend reader

»These are the lies that are keeping me alive«


Baekhyun's POV

La la la la lies.

The photo I held in my hand was priceless to me and there weren't words I could put over the feelings it still gave me.

I don't need you.

I had broken the frame out of misery yesterday as the shattered glass was still over my floor, yet the photo remained unharmed.

I'll be fine without you.

I had held her high in my arms as she laughed and I knew I'd never be able to forget the memory.

'Cause I don't think about you every single night.

Any memory, especially of hers.


No longer was she mine, but I still felt like I was entirely hers and forever would be.

'Cause girl, I moved on and things are perfect.

The thoughts of the ocean crashing at our feet as the sand had been stuck between our toes for the rest of the night had me smile.

I'm moving on.

We hadn't even taken the photo or asked someone to take it for us, so the genuine shock was present when someone came to ruin our moment.

I'm okay with us just being friends.

They had taken the picture as they were walking past, gushing over how perfect of a couple we were.

No, I don't cry about you.

The moment never failed to bring me to tears.

Never seen tears in my eyes about you.

The photograph was perfect and we had gotten it framed to keep by the bed.

'Cause life is so good.

The way her hair was naturally let down as I spun her around in my hold, her eyes shutting with pure joy as she clung to me.

I'm doing so good.

I let a deep breath out, laying the photo back onto the table as I sat down on the bed.

Can sleep tight when I'm not beside you.

The bed that we'd watch movies on. Fight with pillows and wrap each other in blankets. Her scent that would mix into mine over the sheets.

And I don't care if you're not sleeping alone.

But most of all,

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