Crevania Chapter Seven

Start from the beginning

“Alright,” I stood up and then went on my way. I dropped by Richard’s room that had five guards patrolling in front of his door.

“Hey, are you coming to school?” I asked.

“No, tell them I’m sick.” He mumbled as he covered himself with a blanket.

“Alright,” I sighed. “Just so you know she’s in a comatose now. I did that to protect her. She was only blackmailed to do it because the Yin Yang has taken hostage her parents. I think Melody has feelings for you. She was just caught between a rock and a hard place.”

“It doesn’t matter. She has committed a crime wherein the price to pay is public execution.” He answered.

“Not unless we tell them that she was only controlled by her leader. Think about it.” I left him and then went away. I only said that because I didn’t want him to mope around but if it was for me, I’d kill that woman the first chance I get.

I went to my room, took a bath and then got dressed in my uniform. I fixed a new set of clothes in a suitcase that I will need for a disguise. Also, I can’t make big commotions so I’ll need other gadgets.

I grabbed my bag and then ran off to the front gate. The service was already there. I got in the car as swiftly as I could. “To the school sir,”

“Where is the Prince, my lady?”

“He’s sick. I’m late so can you please step on it?” I hissed. The driver did as I said and in less than ten minutes, I arrived at the school. I dropped the suitcase I brought in the bush outside the gate of the school. I covered it with ice so no one would notice it. This whole country is covered in snow after all.

I ran inside and went up the stairs. I arrived just in time and sat beside Will. “Hey, you look flushed. Are you okay?” He asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just thought I was late.” I smiled.

“Where is Richard?”

“Oh, he got sick all of the sudden. I had to go to school. It doesn’t feel right missing class.” I lied. I haven’t gotten my ring back from Richard yet so I can freely use my powers. I made myself become warm up to at least 40 degree Celsius. That’s probably enough to convince them I’m sick so I can be dismissed.

“What was his sickness?”

“I don’t know actually but I think I got it too.” I pretended to look fainted. William reached out his hand to feel my forehead and he gasped out loud afterwards.

“You’re burning hot!” He declared ever so loudly. Our other classmates are starting to get attention.

“Hush, I don’t want people to know.” I pretended to look vulnerable and timid. I’m pretty good at acting this way. That’s why I get to trick men so easily.

The door slammed open and Nathan went in holding a book. “What don’t you want people to know?”

I am very curious and frustrated at the same time as to how he can hear so sharply. I’m going to ask him next time.

“Lady Angelica Hove here is sick. Her temperature is really high.” Nathan frowned when Will answered. He walked towards me and then pressed his lips against my forehead. That got everyone really shocked.

“Teachers aren’t supposed to do that to students.” I spoke in a voice that can be heard within a two meter radius. He backed away and then sighed.

“I didn’t do that as your professor. I am your cousin after all.” He folded his arms across his chest and then sighed again. “I’ll take you home.”

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