Bonus Part~Doyoung's Birthday

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Doyoung P.O.V

It's still 11 PM and I'm in the book shelf corner, reading a book alone..

I enjoy my lone time like this, sometimes would just take 1 or 3 books to my room and read it on my bed

It's really quite now.. maybe the others has gone to sleep already..

Then I hear footsteps from upstairs

Guess it's not everyone..

I lift my head a bit from my book to see who is it

"(y/n)? where are you going?" I said and that makes her startled with her hoodie on

"H-hyung! I- I thought you already went to bed" she said

"It's still 11.. I myself too confused that the others are already in bed" I put the bookmark on my book

"I'm just going to the convenience store" she said about to head out

"Alone? Oh no no missy, you're not going anywhere" I hold her hoodie making her to stumble back

"I'm old enough to go on my own"

"You're a girl"

"A grown up girl"

"You're not 20 yet"

"Damn it" she said with a small 'tsk'

"Why so late anyway? Is it that important till you have to go outside at night? The store is a bit far from here too" I ask her suspiciously

"Of course it is.. why would I bother going out if it's not important? plus, in the middle of the night AND far from here" she said with an annoyed tone


"Okay then, I'll accompany you" I take a jacket that's on the sofa

Whoever jacket's this is...

"Okay then.." she said and we head out from the dorm

So we walk down the streets together with our hoodies up. There aren't much people passing by here, maybe because it's already late and it's a small street that only a few people that's passing by

This is why they set our dorm here

*whispers* the authour i mean...


"So, what are you going to buy?" I said breaking our silence

"Some things..." she simply replied

"Well what is that 'some things'??" I roll my eyes

"Do you really HAVE to know?? It's not like I'm buying something that's under age for me" she turns her head annoyedly at me

"Oh really? then explain about the small knife you always have.. AND the one you give to Renjun!"

"It was for self defense"

"Back to the word 'UNDER AGE' " I smirk

"Oh for Bloody sake's just shut up!!" she said annoyed again and makes me laughing

We're still walking until 10 minutes.. but we haven't reached the store yet..

"(y/n)?" she just reply with a simple hum

"Is this really the way to the store?" I ask her while looking around

"We're taking the long way, the short cut's street has dogs.." she said

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