New Home. New Life.

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Your POV

I have been in Cali for about a week now. No one from my family has tried to contact me. I've seen Camila has been doing well with her album, she deserves all she has, she has put in the work for it. I just wished she'd answer my calls so I could tell her. Anyway I've made some new friends while I've been here. The Cimorelli Sisters. They are in Cali visiting family, before they go back to Tennessee.

"Yo Y/n/n! You here?" I hear Dani yell, while knocking on my apartment door. I sigh and jump out of bed walking downstairs, in a sports bra and sweats. "What do you want Danielle?" I ask opening the door, she rolls her eyes at me and shoves past me going into my kitchen, the others following her. "Sure come right in." I mumble shutting the door and going to the kitchen behind them.

"Where's all of your food at Y/n? You should really go grocery shopping." Dani says looking in my fridge, her sisters sitting at the counter talking to each other.  "I wouldn't have to if you didn't eat all of my food, whenever you came over. I mean I just went last week, and you haven't known me a full week yet and you've all eaten everything. So, here's an idea, ya'll go grocery shopping, and repay me the food you've eaten, while I sit here and watch Pretty Little Liars on Netflix." I say sitting on my couch and starting Netflix. She groans and plops herself on top of me, causing me to groan. "Really Cimorelli?" I ask, she shrugs and sits sideways on my lap, so she can put her head in the crook of my neck. I give up and wrap my arms around her watching PLL. Her sisters soon joining us.

"Hey, Y/n/n. When do you have to upload by?" Amy asks. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I've become a big YouTuber. I had started my channel when I still lived in Miami. It doesn't have my last name though, no one knows I'm Camila's sister, except Fifth Harmony, and Cimorelli. I'd upload, maybe once or twice a month, but since I've moved here I've uploaded every Saturday and Wednesday. I have gained over 9 million subscribers. I don't consider myself a big YouTuber, or any good at making content but, I must be doing something right, if over 9 million people like me.

"Crap, it's Saturday? Lisa take this trash." I say throwing Dani off of me and onto Lisa. "Rude." Dani muttered, getting off of Lisa and sitting where we previously sat. I go to my office and finish editing my new video. My channel is a mix of everything. I sing, I play video games, I do challenges, I make skits, anything really. I upload my video I made with Liza and make my way back to the girls. "Thanks for reminding me Amy." I sit next to her and continue watching the show. "No problem.    Y/n/n. What was your video anyway?" I'm about to answer when we hear Dani's phone go off. I look at her surprised. "You have my notifications on, don't you?" I ask a smirk playing on my face.

She sighs and nods. "Awwe, Danibear." I get up and hug her, kissing her cheek, making her push my face away, while making gagging noises. The other laughing. I stop and sit on the floor, getting lost in my thoughts. Why couldn't I have this with my own family. These girls have been more of a family to me this past week than my actual family over the past 5 years. It's going to suck once they leave. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by someone wiping my cheek. I didn't even notice I was crying. I look up to see Lauren, and the others looking at me with worry filled in their eyes.

"You okay Y/n?" Lauren asks. I sigh and nod, wiping the rest of the tears away. "It's about them again isn't it?" Christina asks. I just sit there, them already knowing the answer, just looking for me to confirm it. "It'll be okay Big Bear, you still have us. We won't leave you." Amy says. I'm the same age as Amy, she's just a little older, but she still calls me Big Bear. I'm apparently a good cuddler and I look tough, but I'm a softie so, they all call me Bear, short for Teddy Bear. I've learned not to question them. "But you guys are leaving me soon." I look up at them, who share a look then face me with big smiles on their faces. I shrink back, getting scared by the looks on their faces. "What?" I ask still backing away. They share a look again, Christina nods and they turn to me and yell "WE'RE MOVING BACK TO CALI." I fall back at the loudness, then jump up and pull them all into a hug, the tears coming back.

"Really? What for though? What about your parents and brother in Tennessee?" I ask pulling back from the hug. "We can't leave you here like this Y/n, protest all you want. Besides, we are going to be recording our next album and thought why not record in Cali again.And our parents and brothers are going back to Tennessee, next week. They are totally okay with us moving out here with you." Katherine explains. I smile, tears falling down again, and pull them back into a hug. "I love you guys. Thank You for everything."

"Your welcome Bear." They squeeze me tighter in the hug. "G-guys, c-can't b-breath." I gasp, they quickly let go, and all start apologizing. "Haha, it's okay, guys. Now what do you say we got to the store and get some snacks, and come back and watch Netflix?" I ask grabbing grabbing my hoodie, keys, wallet and new phone. "I thought you'd never ask." Dani says running out of the room, and to the elevator. I look at the others with a smirk on my face. "Okay now that she's gone the real party can start." I say, causing the others to burst out laughing. I laugh along with them, "Okay, now let's really go. I want food.", I turn serious causing them to stop laughing and follow Dani out, just as quick. I laugh at them, and follow locking my apartment.

My best friends. I wouldn't have gotten through all of this without them, and I can't thank them enough for it. No matter how much they get on my nerves at times. I get to the garage for our apartment complex and see the girls standing outside my purple Jeep Wrangler.

 I get to the garage for our apartment complex and see the girls standing outside my purple Jeep Wrangler

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Problem girls?" I ask walking up twirling my key around on the lanyard I got from YouTube

"Problem girls?" I ask walking up twirling my key around on the lanyard I got from YouTube

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Shut up, and open the door. Y/n." Lisa says. I feign offense. "Lisa! I expect that from Dani but not you. haha" I laugh walking over and unlocking my door, them climbing in, with Amy up from with me. "Yea, well I'm hungry so move." Lisa pushes, the others laughing but agreeing with her. "Then what do you say we get lunch then head to the store?" I ask looking in my review mirror at them. I receive a chorus of yes's, causing me to chuckle, but pull out of my spot. "Where to?"

"I could go for, In-N-Out." Lauren says. I look in the mirror to the others to see them nodding in agreement. "In-N-Out it is then." I get in the right lane and we make our way to In-N-Out. I look up into my mirror, and see the girls laughing, and talking making me smile.

I have only known these girls less than a week, and I already know I'd do anything to protect them. They are my family.

A/n: Surprise update I guess you could say🧐🤨😂Sorry this one is shorter. I have a plan for the next chapter. Hopefully you guys like this so far.

Please let me know what you think and who else you think I should add into the story.

Also regarding the YouTube channel, it will be a mix of different people I use. This one just happened to be Liza Koshy. In this your Liza and she is Kristen. If that makes any sense. :/

Thank you for reading! :)


Here I Am!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat