we were still laughing as the door banged open by Millard.

"don't worry, i'll save you!" Millard cries out.

"No, no! save yourself, Millard!" i called out to him.

"don't worry, princess! i'll come back to fight the dragon!" he tells me, before running away.

by now i'm laughing so hard, tears are coming out of my eyes.

i drop my hand onto Enoch's shoulder, laughing to hard. 

a moment later we hear shouting from outside. i break the embrace to look out of the window. i look up Enoch, who moved next to me.

"what a knight in shinning armor." i say amused looking back at Millard who was coming back from the loop entrance. "come on." Enoch says pulling me away from the window. "let's go to the farm."

i smile at him. "we need to get more jars don't we?" i ask.

he nods.

"come on, then. i heard miss peregrine sent Emma, bronwyn, olive, Millard and the twins to get someone from the present." i told him as i heard the door close downstairs. i pull him down the stairs to the kitchen. the kitchen had two rooms, one with cupboards and one with a stove and a table. miss peregrine, olive and the new boy were in the one with the stove. 

Enoch and I were in the one with the cupboards. there was no door separating them, so i could see into the other room. Enoch kept looking back at the boy who looked like Abe. 

"can you grab those?" Enoch asks already holding two jars. 

"yes, i'll just go tell miss peregrine what we're doing." i tell him. he nods.

i walk over to miss peregrine, who was talking to Jake.

"ah, miss Hopkins." miss peregrine greeted. she didn't use my full hyphenated name, because she found it a bit of a mouthful. 

"miss peregrine." i greet with a smile. "i just came to tell you that Enoch and I were about to head down to the farm."

"inside the loop i presume." she asks taking a drag from her pipe.

"of course." i tell her with a smile. I head back over to Enoch and grab the jars.

"let me help you with those." Olive says putting down the kettle.

"don't bother. wouldn't want to interrupt your tea party." he says and walks off. 

"we're good, thank you though, olive." i tell her, giving her a small smile in reassurance, before following Enoch. however, olive still follows us. 

"we may have to postpone our trip till tomorrow when we go on the walk." Enoch says sulking as we look out the window at Jake. 

a knock on the door sounds and we look at each other.

"i'll get it." i tell them before heading downstairs.

Fiona was just opening the door when i got downstairs. i come up behind her and put my hands on her shoulders reassuringly.

"hello. what can i help you with?" i ask the officer.

"i'm here about an incident at the pub." he says. i tap Fiona's shoulder.

"go get miss peregrine." she nods and runs off. 

"may i ask what happened at the pub?" i ask him.

"a couple of the kids ransacked the place, one tried to persuade the owner into thinking it was a hotel, and then someone set fire to the pub." he tells me. i frown. 

"no one was hurt, were they?" i ask concerned.

"no ma'am." 

"and someone thought it was a hotel?" i ask. 

"yes ma'am. one of these kids."

"how peculiar, that doesn't sound like any of them. they know it's not a hotel." 

"thank you miss Hopkins." i give a smile to the police officer and miss peregrine before retreating. 

i pass the kitchen hearing Millard and Hugh arguing outside. i sigh before going out. 

"boys, you know the rules of the game. play by the rules or don't play at all." i tell them. i turn to leave them, but end up catching the new boy's and Emma's conversation.

"but like i said, Enoch's off sulking somewhere."

"is he always like that?" the new boy asks.

"always, except when he's with Amira." Emma tells him. i chuckle before heading inside.

New Beginnings//Miss Universe[1] M.P.H.F.P.C.: Enoch O'ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now