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×Jinyoung's POV×

I was cleaning Hae Ra's room when I found a pink box under her bed. I opened it and saw polaroid pictures of us which made me tear up, I really miss her day by day.

I also saw a pink notebook which was designed with stickers and of course,  our little pictures.

I opened it and the first page said:

My Diary

I closed it and decided to read it at the hospital.

I was sitting beside Hae Ra with her diary on my hand. I opened her diary and read the second page, it was the day we first met, I read all the things that Hae Ra wrote, I was stopping myself from crying but I eventually failed.

(A:N Just go back to Chap 1-13)

After reading all the things she wrote, I was now a crying mess. I intertwined our hands together and kissed the back of her hand.

"I Love You Hae Ra, I always will," I said then went out of her room.

Narrator's POV

Without Jinyoung knowing, a tear slipped out of Hae Ra's eyes and her hand moved.

She was alive.

-----------------------------E N D----------------------------

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