Chapter Three- The Date

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The next morning I woke up with butterflies in my stomach. For the first time, in a long time, real life was better than my dreams. I couldn't wait to turn my phone on and see if James had messaged me while I had been sleeping.
I was on fire, I felt unstoppable. I waited for my phone to load.
"Hey I hope you slept well! Super keen for a date tonight if you don't have plans?"
I knew he wanted to see me again but I didn't expect him to want to see me that quickly. I decided I needed to explore outside of my comfort zone, to take more risks. I would go tonight.
"Hey, I hope you slept well too. I have class until four today but I'm free after."
I placed my phone down on my desk and went to go have a shower, I had class beginning in an hour.

"Lily! Your phone keeps ringing, it woke me up!"
Sienna kept knocking on the bathroom door until I responded.
"Oh shit, I'm so sorry I thought it was on silent. I'll be out in a minute."
"Okay, I need to shower for class anyway when you're done."
"Okay, okay I'll be quick, one second."
I rushed to get dressed before Sienna got anymore mad at me.
"Here you go showers all yours."

I went straight over to my phone to check who had been calling me. I was not too surprised  to see it was James. I was surprised, however, to see that I had four missed calls from him. I was only in the shower for fifteen minutes? He met me yesterday and he called me four times in fifteen minutes today? I decided I would text him back instead.

"Hey sorry I missed your calls I was in the shower, what's up?"
"Okay I'm sorry that probably seemed really weird but I had the perfect date idea and I was just really excited to tell you it. Would you like to go star gazing tonight? We can take a picnic and everything."
Star gazing was my ideal date. I loved watching the stars and the moon, time always seemed to stop.
"That sounds amazing. When and where should I meet you?"
"I'll pick you up from yours, say 8?"
"Perfect, see you then."

Everything seemed to be going really well. I kept waiting for something massive to happen to ruin it all. The universe doesn't normally let me have good things for too long. Knowing my luck he'd turn out to be a serial killer or something. I mean he did seem really eager on me going tonight. I dismissed my paranoid thoughts and decided to go to class.

The day dragged on and all I wanted to do was go home and start getting ready for my date. I still had no idea what to wear- was he going for casual or not? I couldn't even remember what clothes I had at home and what I had left at my parents house. I really hoped I had something appropriate to wear. Nothing too dressy and nothing too plain. Sienna finished class before me today, I knew she'd help me get ready.

Upon arriving home, I knew I had tons of work to do for my classes this week. Assignments were beginning to appear all at once with similar due dates. I'm normally on top of it all, I know I deserve a break. Time to be young and not focus too much on responsibility. I'm sure I could make up for it tomorrow. I'll just forget about the deadlines for tonight.

"Hey Sienna, are you busy? Can you help me pick something out to wear for tonight?"
"Okay so don't judge but while you were in class I already thought of something for you to wear. It's mine but honestly I think it would be perfect."
Sienna ran to her bedroom and I could hear her closet door opening. The flat was old and the doors were creaky.
"Ta da!"
Sienna pulled the dress out from behind her back. She beamed from ear to ear, incredibly proud of her choice.
"That looks perfect! Do you think I'll fit it?"
"Yeah of course you will, go put it on."
She threw the dress onto the bed next to me. Under the lighting I could see that the dress was more of a navy blue.
"Go,go I want to see what it looks like."

I left and went into the bathroom. It had been a while since I had worn a dress and I wasn't sure if I would still look okay in one. The dress was delicate around the arms as lace decorated the wrists. Once on it sat just above my knees and tight around my waist. I stared at myself in the mirror. It had been a long time since I dressed up and to be honest I was pleasantly surprised at how different I looked. For the first time in a while I felt confident.

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