Chapter Thirty-Eight

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KnB Characters in a sinking ship

Dedicated to: @SmanthaFaye

Note: Just pm me if you want a dedication haha ^_^ Don't be scared. I don't bite ^...^

Kagami: Oi everyone calm down! (he said it in English)

Everyone except Akashi: Eh-h? What did he say?

Akashi: *calls his private ship* Come here at the west Philippine sea. *ends call* Atsushi, come here at once. I’m gonna need your shoulders to be my rightful throne and a way to escape temporarily from this filthy water.

Everyone: Rich kids *face palm*

Murasakibara: Wait Aka-chin. I must save my snacks-chin first!

Midorima: Must save my Lucky item! Nanodayo~~~

Takao: I’m going to save you Shin-chan!

Momoi: Waaah another Yaoi moment? Why would you save Midorin? Because you love him?

Takao: No. If he’ll die here, I’ll never gonna make him pull the rickshaw.

Aomine: Must save Horikita Mai’s fabulous awesome magazine!

Kise: Must save my Zunon Boys cover!

Aomine: Oi Kise! Horikita Mai’s hotter!

Kise: You’re really Aho-minecchi. Of course for you that is hotter because you’re obviously a boy! Mine will be hotter if you’re a gay.

Aomine: Are you saying that those who read that magazines are mostly gays?

Kise: Kinda Aominecchi. Why?

Aomine: You’re really gay Kise.

Kise: Hidoi-desu Aominecchi *Fake cries*

Kasamatsu:  Oi Kise don’t be so loud! *le kicks Kise*

Aomine: How can you kick him in water?

Kasamatsu: buoyant force x force exerted= Kicked Kise.

Aomine: Huh? Like hell I care.

Imayoshi: You’re just an idiot Aomine. Don’t deny it.

Aomine: What did you sa—

Hyuuga: Oi respect your senpais!

Wakamatsu: Oi Aomine! Don’t be speak loud!

Aomine: Look who’s talking!

Wakamatsu: What did you say??

Aomine and Wakamatsu continued to argue and was cut off when Akashi spoke.

Akashi: Have you seen Tetsuya?

Midorima: Now that you mention it, I didn’t see him. Well I normally didn’t see him so what’s new? Nanodayo~~

Himuro: Couldn’t agree more ^-^

Kagami: Maybe he’s just using Misdirection thingy or he’s practicing a new technique.

Kise: Waaah Kurokocchi is amazing!

Aomine: That’s how Tetsu really is. Really hardworking.

Wakamatsu: Why not try to imitate him?

Aomine: What did you say?

Thus, another war happened. Unknown to them is that there’s someone already fighting for his life. The Forgotten One. Poor Boy.


See you next time guys ^_^

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