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my back felt a lot better in the morning, a hand grazed over my bruised spine calmly. i don't think i had ever slept better than i did last night.

the hand happened to belong to dallas, who laid humming to an unknown song. maybe it was his song, his own beat. i liked that.

"who knew winston could actually care." i grumbled out, stretching slightly.

"i dunno where you got that idea, martini." dallas denied, continuing to run his fingers against my back.

"denial is almost worse than jealousy." i inform him.

his chest rumbled with laughter lightly, happiness bubbling up in me. i could get used to something like this, not that i thought dallas could handle an actual relationship.

"could you check my back?" i ask, sitting up slowly to try and ease some pain.

dallas gingerly lifted the back of my large shirt, a string of curses fell from his lips. "that fucker, i'm gonna kill him."

"how bad is it?" a shiver ran over me when dal's cold ring rolled over my spine.

"black and blue, more towards the middle of your back." rage was present throughout his voice.

"oh, you totally care." i tease him, turning around to face him. it was pretty difficult to not hurt myself even more.

"he fucked up your back!" he pressed on.

"exactly, you care."

"really, i'm just tryin' to be nice."

"so, if i just kissed you right now dal you wouldn't care?" i raised an eyebrow.

it took him a minute to answer. he looked like a fish the way he opened his mouth to speak then closed it when he couldn't come up with something clever.

a smirk danced onto my lips, making dallas roll his eyes. i pulled his face to mine. a small kiss, lasting a couple of seconds. my hands tugged at the roots of his soft dark hair. when i pulled away, my hands lingered at the base of his neck before i pushed my body off of the bed.

"so you still don't care?" i asked, walking slowly towards the door.

"can't just hold that against me, you don't give two shits." he fought back.

i turned back to him, "i care for people worth my time. who care back, it ain't a one way street."

after going to the bathroom, i made my way downstairs. all i wanted was fresh air. my feet carried me to the front porch. the sun beamed down on my legs and face, memories of summers as a child flooded my mind. except, in all of them tim was my friend. someone worthy of my trust and caring. my head started to hurt trying to formulate how i felt about the older boy and what he said.

"marty!" angela's voice screeched at me, "what are you doing out of bed? c'mon, i'll help you inside and we can make something to eat."

i obliged, nothing to lose i guess. my minute alone was nice, but i needed angie's help. she helped me to my feet, pulling softly at my elbow.

"marcine." a voice i preferred to not want to hear, not right now.

"what do you want, tim?" i sent him a cold glare.

"i'm sorry, i didn't—"

"no tim, you don't get to bullshit you're way out of this. my entire spine is black and blue because you can't fucking control your anger. i have issues controlling it too, but i don't go punching you in till you're bruised up. no, don't apologize. blinding rage isn't an excuse, you could learn how to handle your feelings." i cut him off as dallas walked outside.

tim said nothing, his jaw clenched. he walked off of my lawn with his tail between his legs, the last piece of dignity he did have was gone. i was infuriated by just seeing him. it took everything in me to not hit him so hard is head would spin. the bruise on his cheek bone meant that dallas already did.

i laid down on the couch, my stomach of course. ang ran to the kitchen to start making me food. dallas laid on the floor between the couch and the coffee table.

"i kicked his ass the other day." he smirked, his hands resting under his head.

"wow, what a knight in shining armor." i reply sarcastically.

the smirk didn't wipe from his face as my eyes closed, the sun beamed down through the window. it felt nice. lips pressed to mine before dallas mumbled that he'd be back.

a hum was all i mustered out, a content smile on my face. the only thing that'd make this better is a soft record playing, mental note to buy one sooner or later.

i had fallen asleep, pretty drained from nothing. my back just wouldn't stop throbbing. angela singing helped soothe me to unconsciousness.

"martin, wake up." angie's voice made me stir.

"how long was i out?" my voice came mumbled out as i stretched.

"not that long, dallas was gettin' antsy so i figured it was time to wake you up. i made sandwiches and there's a cake in the oven." angela grinned.

"i don't know where i'd be with out you, ang."

"in some sewer, most likely. maybe a street corner if you were that desperate."

i sent her a playful glare, noticing dallas wasn't in the living room. a confused look covered my face as i sat up. i did notice my back seemingly not throbbing or aching.

"don't worry, he's just out getting somethin' to drink that isn't beer." angela rolled her eyes, placing a sandwich in front of me. a small smile filled my lips noticing a bowl of fruit.

thanking angela, i tied my long hair up before digging in. angela has to be the best cook i had ever met. lost in thoughts, dallas walked through the door panting. i barely noticed till he emptied his pockets.

"did you rob the whole store?" angela asked, i couldn't tell if she was trying to joke or if she was serious.

"just, maybe, three aisles."

"wow, you really are a knight in shining armor." i smirk, taking a pepsi from the table.

his smirk turned into more of a smile, genuinely. i don't think i'd ever wanted to see a smile so badly.

how many chapters can lacie
make out of ONE day
in this story ???
let's find out lmao

charmingenigma can comment again!!
i'm so excited
&& all feedback is appreciated
pls give feedback
i'm desperate.

anyways babies,
vroom vroom.

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