Storm part 2

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"Ow" Erin said wincing as the next contraction tore through her. Jay stood from the couch and wrapped his muscular arms around her, giving her the comfort she needed while she breathed through it.

"Is it over?" He asked stepping forward and allowing Erin to sit on the couch. She gave a nod and they both let the breath they had been holding go. All Erin wanted was a normal birth for once. Not one with a gun to her head and not one in the middle of a super storm. All the roads were closed, Chicago med was a good 20 minute drive from her apartment so walking in the cold was not an option. Erin was having these babies in her apartment, today.

"It's baby time!" Said Will beaming with excitement. He sat down opposite it Jay right beside Erin placing his hand on her belly and getting rewarded with a strong kick. Though they weren't his children Will loved the little ones already. He knew that he was likely going to deliver these babies. The last time he delivered a baby he was doing his gynaecology rotation in his first year of residency. Nervous couldn't describe how he was feeling right now, nothing could go wrong these are his nephews and he was going to make damn sure that they were okay. "How far apart are the contractions?" He asked trying to get a time frame for the birth.

"Like 5-6 minutes," replied Erin nervously. The next contraction came and the nervous expression on her face faded away, being replaced by pain. "Jay!" She said with a shaky breath. Suddenly he appeared in front of her pushing his brother out of the way. He sat down beside her and just held her through it.

"Why do these ones hurt so much more then Everly did?" She asked with a painful breath just as the contraction was ending.

"Well there are two of them in there, also Everly's birth was a high stress situation so your adrenaline probably masked some of the pain." Explained Will. "I'm going to grab my med bag, then I'll check how dilated you are. Hang tight." He said giving her knee a reassuring squeeze accompanied by the famous Halstead  smile she loved so much.

Will returned quickly with a large leather bag in his right hand. He reached in and started pulling out all these different contraptions that neither of them had seen before. He snapped on a pair of gloves before looking back up at Erin and Jay. Erin had since pulled her panties off and was being guided by Jay to sit again on the couch. Her body had other ideas when she felt another contraction rip into her. Jay once again became her rock while she leaned against him breathing through it once more. When the contraction was finally over Jay laid her onto the couch sitting behind her and supporting her back.

"Okay, Erin, take a deep breath." Demanded Will. When she did she felt the uncomfortable feeling of Wills fingers where she hoped she would never feel them. "I'd say your at about 8cm, almost there," he said slipping his fingers out. "I figured since you love dramatic births this would happen. I brought everything needed for an epidural, only if you want it though." Erin replied with a strong no right before the next contraction came.

"Are you sure Erin? This seems like it hurts like a bitch," said Jay.

"It does, but I want to go as natural as possible. I didn't have drugs with Ev and she turned out alright so far so I want the same for the twins." Standing strong, Erin was not changing her mind.

About another hour passed and Erin finally had the urge to push. Will quickly gathered all the supplies times two and laid them out. Jay had placed a tarp over the couch because Erin didn't want it to be dirty. The two had made some pretty great memories on that couch and she refused to get rid of it. Jay was sitting beside Will. Each brother had one of Erin's legs against their chests being used as stirrups. After several screaming pushes the head of her first son was out.

"One more big push and he's out!" With that Erin pushed. She pushed so hard that the air in her lungs couldn't make a sound. She felt the small body leave hers followed by a tiny cry. The wailing baby was placed onto her chest and then wiped clean with a blue blanket. "Alright there is baby A! Wait he's here you can tell me his name now." Asked Will impatiently waiting for the name of his first nephew.

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