Torture part 2

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Jay could feel an overwhelming amount of pressure in his shoulders. As he opened his eyes he saw the tear stained face of his beautiful girlfriend noticing that she was tied to a chair with a gag in her mouth. He wanted to speak but was stopped by the gag that was in his mouth as well. He noticed that they were still in the warehouse but seemed to have moved rooms. This room is filled with torture instruments which were laid out in front of him on a metal table. He looked down to see that unfortunately his boxers had been removed while he was unconscious. Jay was just happy they had brought in Erin and not one of the other guys. I mean she did just have his baby so she's seen it all.

As soon as he was fully awake he felt an electrical jolt shoot through his torso as he screamed for Alissa who was now in his view to stop. Jay looked around the rest of the room and was horrified and also kind of happy to see that Derek was dead on the ground. Why was Erin tied up? Why was Derek dead?

*with the team

It had been hours since Erin gave Everly over to Hank and left to console her poor boyfriend. After much deliberation the team had come up with a plan. They grew concerned when Jay stopped screaming and Erin started. It was even scarier when the both of them were silent. Voight handed the baby off to Al who went outside and wrapped the baby in his coat holding her close to his chest. He knew for a fact that Erin and Jay would want to see her as soon as they were free and so he stood there and waited in a safe place rocking the newborn into a peaceful slumber.

*with Jay and Erin

Jay's screams were muffled under the gag. Erin could no longer bare to watch as Alissa continued poking him with a cattle prod she had also removed pieces of her perfectly sculpted boyfriend with a scalpel looking knife. To add to all that she had a whip and she was certainly using it. She refused to hurt Erin but she did make her watch taking pleasure in the tears now streaming down her face.

Somehow Erin managed to open her eyes looking straight at Jay who took comfort in the fact that she was with him although he would rather she be with his daughter he knew that Erin left her with Hank and his precious baby girl was safe. With one more painful prod it was over. The team had found their weapons and burst through the door, each member got a shot at the woman holding their friends hostage.

Hank rushed over to untie Erin who was still a wreck from what she had just witnessed and removed the gag from her mouth. The rest of the team sprinted over to a barely conscious Jay pulling the gag harshly out of his bleeding mouth. They undid his hands which were holding him upright and laid a naked Jay on the ground. Antonio removed his jacket and placed it on him until another car pulled up. The team was ready to shoot whoever walked in that door until they heard Will's voice telling them he was at the warehouse because Mouse had hacked Jay's phone and heard what was going on. Once he heard gunshots he rushed in. Will did a quick look over of his brother.

"Okay, Erin you can stay here, the rest of you get out," yelled a scared Will placing his medical bag beside his younger brother's left arm. The team looked at him, then Erin. "I already checked her out she's perfect," he said referring to Everly. With that Erin relaxed grabbing Jay's hand and plopping next to him as the team shuffled out of the room.

"Jay, buddy can you hear me?" Asked Will already placing gauze on the slashes on his abs. He lifted Antonio's jacket  finding the femoral line in his leg. "Why is he naked? Did- di-did she um?" Erin shook her head no and Will sighed with relief continuing to treat his little brother. "What the hell? Why is there a femoral line in his leg?" Erin told him what happened and Will just shook his head hearing the details of their ordeal. "Jay? Buddy you with me?" Pleased with the nod he received Will continued, "Jay this might hurt but this line wasn't put in correctly so I need to take it out ok? It will take about five seconds I swear."

Will quickly grabbed some tape and gauze and applied gentle pressure to the line. "Erin hold his hand, please." She did as told as Will slid the needle out of his brother's leg. Jay let out a loud whimper but the second it was out he felt a million times better. After some patching up Will tied a blanket around Jay's waist the three walking outside to greet the perfect little girl.

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