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"Stand up daddy," the man said with a sarcastic tone pushing the gun farther in Jay's temple.

"Okay, okay" Jay said giving Erin one last kiss, not knowing if he would ever see her again. He looked down at his now calm newborn daughter loving her more then he ever thought he would. He raised his empty hands and looked right into the man's eyes. "What do you want?" Asked Jay as the gunman guided him away from the team.

"Revenge, you don't remember me do you Jj?But you killed my brother and then locked me up. You deserve to die but I'm not just going to kill you I'm going to make them listen. Your baby girl is beautiful it's a shame she'll grow up without a father." The man said with a sick smile on his face. "See my brother also had a girlfriend she wasn't pregnant or anything but she wants to say hello to you. You know tell you how she feels. Trust me you'll have fun." The man said sickly grinning back at the team who all had confused and angry looks on their faces.

When he got to the room it was closed off and had a door but still had many holes in the wall and he knew that the team could still hear him. He told himself that for the sake of Erin he was going to do his best not to scream.

"Hi. I'm dr. Alissa, you will call me ma'am. You killed my boyfriend but I really don't care about that. Such a fine specimen of man you are. You are just beautiful. I need to run some tests. Derek tie him down." Jay was placed on his back harshly and held down by restraints that were much to tight. His shirt and pants were cut off leaving him in only his boxers but he'll take it. He now knew the the original gun mans name is Derek. Alissa grabbed an IV kit and placed it beside Jay. After that the restraint on his left arm was removed by Derek who had about 20 pounds on Jay and used the brutal force of his strength to slam Jay's weak hand onto a different part of the bed meant for the arm but it was straight so that Alissa could place the IV.

"We hear you're scared of needles." Said Alissa causing Jay to swallow hard. From the other side of the warehouse Derek had tied everyone but Erin up she was grateful that the man had some sort of conscience. Erin rocked her newborn back and forth holding her close to her chest protectively. She heard Alissa talking to Jay about the fact that he was scared of needles knowing that pain couldn't break him she took a steady breath and decided that she needed to be brave for him.

*with Jay

Jay looked at the ceiling as Alissa tantalizingly opened the package of antiseptic. She rubbed it as slowly as possible into the crook of his elbow .

"Little pinch" she said loud enough for the team to hear. Jay closed his eyes and remembered the time Will had given him a shot and Erin kissed him in front of everyone to calm his nerves. He stared at the ceiling and held his breath as Alissa slowly slid the needle into his arm, securing it in place with a piece of tape. He released the breath he didn't realize he was holding and let his tense body relax. It was short lived however. Alissa ripped the IV out of his arm eliciting a surprised scream from Jay as he began to bleed. After a couple of minutes the bleeding stopped. He heard the click of a button.

"7 minutes for the blood to clot. That's impressively quick. Once again just proving to me that you are the perfect specimen. Next I'm putting in a femoral line, don't worry I won't rip this one out. This one will stay in." She said grabbing another box from the cupboard behind her. "You know what, Derek? Why don't we bring in his little girlfriend to hold his hand he looks a little shaky." She said mishivcouly. "Give the baby to the old man." She pointed at Hank indicating that she was talking about him.

"Sure thing Alissa" he responded knowing it would be more fun to see the two of them scared then only Jay.

Derek returned to the rest of the group. He squatted down beside Erin who had just finished the first feeding of her baby and lightly touched the top of Everly's small head. Erin took a shaky breath wrapping her arms tighter around her brand new baby.

"Don't worry, I would never hurt a child or their mother, I'm bad but not heartless. Alissa says you are needed so I'm going to undo his restraints" pointing at Hank "and then you will follow me to your???"

"Boyfriend " she answered still holding her baby tight. Derek undid Hank's handcuffs as promised and Erin stood up carefully, gently passing off her baby to Hank.

Erin followed Derek quickly although she was exhausted from the birth of her baby. She walked into the room to see a bloody, out of breath Jay strapped to a table. He looked up at her with giant, concerned blue orbs as a scared breath entered his lungs. Alissa was placing heart monitor stickers onto his chest. After they were hooked up the warehouse filled with the rapid beeping of Jay's heartbeat. The whole team could hear it even from their far away position.

"Feel free to hold his hand. Such a strong man you got but he's scared of a little needle. Well this one certainly isn't as little" Alissa looked down at Jay who gave a small whimper as she pulled up the leg hole on the left side of his blue boxers and taped it to him. "Shall we begin?" She asked grabbing some gloves and putting them on pulling them down to far and allowing them to snap as she did so.

The antiseptic was cold against Jay's thigh as he breathed nervous breaths. Erin took a small step forward wrapping her small hand with his much larger one.

"Just look at me." Explained Erin while Alissa washed his inner thigh again with a different coloured wipe.

"Sorry, handsome," Alissa said sarcastically shoving the needle into his thigh without warning. He squeezed Erin's small hand and shut his eyes as the blood from the hole started to flow down his leg. Alissa began laughing while the rest of the team listened to Jay's screams and Erin pleading with Alissa to stop. When it was finally over Alissa hung a bag of clear liquid into the line. Without warning she grabbed a syringe of yellow liquid and stabbed it into Jay's left Tricep eliciting another scream. 

"Go to sleep handsome," she said and with that Jay was out and being shaken by Erin who was screaming for him to wake up while Derek and Alissa laughed in the corner. 

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