"since we want to save our money, my only concern is food." i said an hour later, when ryland's laptop was done downloading and was packed with everything else, fully charged. our bags were light enough for us to carry: one would go on the hold in the motorbike, and the other one would go on ryland's back whilst i drove.

"that's always your concern." he retorted and giggled slightly. i could tell that his hopes, like mine, were rising a little at the prospect of us being able to be together. we had our mock exam results which we can use as our actual gcses, and we can eventually get jobs. we can be shane and ryland, without all the add-one and conundrums. it sounded perfect and almost too good to be true.

i smirked, but soon snapped back to reality. "i'm serious, ry. what are we gonna do? we need to leave before dark tonight and your parents will corner either of us if we leave this room. there's no way of getting food."

ryland appeared to be thinking for a moment, before his eyes lit up. he scrambled in his cupboard for a few seconds before he finally pulled out a portable blue tooth speaker, reciting his clever plan to me.

i would blast obscene rap music as loudly as i could, causing a distraction. if all went to plan, both ryland's mom and dad would try banging on the door to get us to stop. meanwhile, ryland would climb down the drainpipe (dangerous, yes, but he did it once last month and he didn't hurt himself) and put as much food as he can into his rucksack, before running back out again. he would return to his room, shut the window and the music would turn off, and we'd be sorted.

surprisingly, the plan worked, and minutes later eminem was attempting to shatter my eardrums as ryland climbed back through the window with a bulging bag swinging from his shoulder. i stopped the music and we could finally here his parent's shouting again.

soon after, they threatened to call a locksmith and open ryland's bedroom door, we pushed his wardrobe in front so they couldn't get in, even if the locks were changed. ryland had written a long text into our group chat with drew and garrett, explaining that we would be gone for a while and that they couldn't tell anyone where we were going. they agreed, promising they would remain silent.

we planned to leave at three o'clock - the sun set at four forty-five. there was fifteen minutes till we had to leave, and all our bags were ready and packed. we hadn't even looked in the bag of food because ryland claimed that the second we unzipped it, if we weren't careful, everything would fall out. he had haphazardly thrown everything in without making it seem like we were leaving.

ryland was curled up against me as i rested on my back, the mattress dipping slightly. my arm was around his shoulder, my fingers gently combing through his hair. "i'm really scared." he mumbled, linking our fingers together.

"don't be. i'm not. we have each other." i murmured softly in reply. he lifted his head of my shoulder, tilting it so we could see each other properly.

"you're a cliche, shane dawson." he told me, leaning his face close to mine.

"you love it, ryland adams." i retorted, pressing our lips together. it felt good to kiss him; in all the hassle today, we hadn't really had the opportunity.

i was lying when i said i wasn't scared. that was an understatement: i'm completely petrified. i'm seventeen and i'm running away with a boy i've only been with for three months. yet i was so irrevocably in love with him. the strong emotion seemed to overcome the negative feelings of fear and anxiety, because i knew that - with him - everything would be okay.

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