Chapter 27: PREGNANT!

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Author's Note: Hi guys! So, in this chapter it is revealed Maddie is preggers! Woop, babies! Anyways, comment whether the baby shuld be a boy or a girl and what should their name be?

*Maddie's POV*

Walking around the mall and looking for clothes was relieving, I had been in the flat with Harry and Louis so much it got kind of tiring. Plus, we were going to Holmes Chapel in two days so I had to buy clothes and all that stuff. It had been a week since we had made it public and there were so many gossip blogs about it. Some were sweet, some were not so much. Girls tweeting me 'congrats' while others tweeted, 'die bitch!' I was alone shopping which I really didn't mind, after the hectic week I kind of liked being here. Something else was that this morning I felt so nauteous like I was about to throw up, which was weird, I hadn't eaten anything bad.

While I looked around Macy's for a cute shirt I heard someone squeal behind me. I turned around and saw two girls, one looked 14 while the other looked more my age.

"You're Maddie, Harry's Maddie!" The younger one squealed and I smiled, wow. This was the first time someone actually approached me, I mean I wasn't really famous so this was a shock. I wasn't like Eleanor, Danielle or Perrie so this was awkward.

"Yeah, hi." I said and the older one stepped closer smiling,

"You and Harry make the best couple! You guys are so cute, I can't believe you're getting married!" She said and I smiled,

"I can't believe it either. This feels kind of weird, I feel like a celebrity." I explained and they looked at each other and the younger one laughed,

"But you are! Hello you're dating Harry freaking Styles!" I laughed. She was so cute.

"What's your names?" I asked them,

"I'm Emily and this is my little sister Hanna." The older one stated and I smiled. They looked like they were itching to tell me something,

"Yes?" I asked and Emily smiled,

"Can we see the ring please?" She asked and I laughed. I raised my hand and showed it to them, they seriously started freaking out over my hand.

"Uh is Harry here?" Hanna asked and shook my head,

"Sorry no, but I can call him if you want." I replied and they squealed. I laughed, can you say dedicated fans or what. I pulled out my phone and dialed 1, yes I had Harry on speed dial. The phone rang twice than he answered,

"What's up, wifey!" I laughed and put the phone on speaker,

"Hey hun! There are these two fans here who would love to speak to you." I explained and the girls squealed when Harry answered,

"Sure, what are your names babes?" He asked. I handed Emily the phone and continued shopping while the girls followed me while talking to Harry. When they were done Hanna hugged me so hard I almost fell.

"Thank you, thank you!" She yelled and I laughed as the girls walked out. I stared after them and I smiled, that was interesting but it was nice to know not everyone completely hated me.


"So, I bought you this dog-tag." I said handing Harry a dogtag with the flag of Australia on it, since he loved that country. He said it was like stepping into a whole other dimension, I had never been there but since he always talked about it I guess it was cool.

"Yes!" He yelled as I put it over his neck and he looked at it and smiled. He kissed me on the cheek and I laughed as I started taking everything I had bought for him for the trip. Since, they were getting back to working in about a month we didn't have alot of time left. Well, I was going back to college so it didn't really matter. Louis walked out of his bedroom in boxers and he smiled at us then looked at Harry,

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