Chapter 26: Making it public

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Author's Note: So hey guys! So, one of my readers said I should make a prequel as in the things that happened before Harry was on the Xfactor, so vote yes or no on the comments and tell me why or why I should not make a prequel!  

*Maddie's POV*

December 26th. The day after, not only was I no longer a virgin I was freaking engaged. I smiled and looked down at my hand, the ring sat perfectly on my marriage finger. I looked up at a sleepy Harry, my fiancee. I so had to get used to do that. When I started getting up I felt Harry slide his arms around my waist and pull me back down,

"Lets stay in today and watch 'Love actually." Harry said. I rolled my eyes, I loved the movie Love Actually but after watching it thousands of times it kind of got annoying.

"But I don't want too. I want too call Natalie, Eleanor and Danielle and tell them the news. Do the boys know?" I asked and Harry nodded,

"Louis picked it." He explained and I smiled. I was still freaking out, last night was amazing! After he proposed, and I said yes of course I gave him his Christmas present which I'm pretty sure we both enjoyed. I looked up at him,

"Please?" I asked and he mumbled something about giving me everything than he agreed. I jumped out of bed and I saw Harry smile and I got red realizing I was butt naked and I flew under the covers,

"Oh don't be embarassed baby, its nothing I've never seen before." He said making me blush more. I heard him laugh and I felt him get up. Then, he pulled the covers out from under my head,

"I'll leave you to get dressed. But before I go, gimme a kiss." He said. I smiled and kissed him passionately on the lips. He smiled and I watched him put a robe on and I couldn't believe this, about months from now or a year from now I would be getting married to that.


"Ohmigosh! The ring is amazing!" Natalie gushed staring at my hand. Eleanor and Danielle weren't shocked, of course Louis and Liam had told them about the proposal.

"I know right. When he pulled it out last night, I practically freaked." I stated and Eleanor chuckled,

"So, when you going to start planning the wedding?" She asked and I sighed looking into the faces of the girls. I really didn't know, I wasn't no wedding planner. I shrugged,

"I dunno. I mean, I want a pretty wedding but I have no knowledge on how to plan a wedding." I explained and Danielle clappped excitedly like she had thought of something genius,

"Let Natalie, Eleanor and I plan it! I mean, your top three girls and your bridesmaids planning your wedding!" She squealed and Natalie and Eleanor nodded.

"I don't even know guys. And hey when did I say you were my bridesmaids?" I joked and Natalie pouted,

"This wedding will be ultimate perfection! We should totally brodcast it live!" She yelled and all three girls jumped into ideas for the wedding while I sat there, blank-faced.

"Guys!" I cried and they jumped up looking at me,

"What?" Eleanor asked and I sighed,

"I want my wedding in Holmes Chapel and you have one more bridesmaid joining you guys." I explained,

"Who?" Danielle asked and I grinned,

"Gemma, Harry's sister of course!" And they all squealed and we all squealed together, I was getting married! Out of all the things I planned on doing early marriage wasn't part of it but come on, I never imagined I would fall in love with my childhood best-friend! When they were done squealing Natalie turned to me,

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