Means, Motive, and Opportunity

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Inspector Mallory might of took my first phone, but I had another one. Funny thing about Kembleford is that there is good wifi and reception there, never really understood why since they don't even use it.

I decided to watch Father Brown to pass the time, and to also find out how to tell if someone has framed you. The Eagle and the Daw was the perfect episode. *spoilers* Father Brown was arrested for murdering Raymond W, but we all knew he didn't do it. I was at the part where Inspector Mallory was questioning the Father.

"You see we have method, motive and opportunity." He said to the Father.

'But isn't it Means, motive and opportunity?' I asked myself.

The more I thought about it, I soon began to notice something. Method is how you kill someone, and for my case it's the gun. Then it's motive which means what drove you to kill the person. Opportunity is did they have a chance to kill them.

'Means, motive and opportunity. Means, motive and opportunity. Means, motive and opportunity.' I kept thinking, then I realised.

"I don't have a motive." I said to myself. "I don't have a motive." I repeated.

I kept saying it over and over again before calling out the sergeant name, not really caring if he could hear me or not. Luckily he did.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"Means, motive and opportunity." I replied.

Poor Goodfellow was confused on what I meant, he sat down next to me telling me to calm down.

"I don't have a motive." I finally blurted out. "There's an means and a n opportunity but I don't have a motive."

"You might be right, but I'm think the inspector might put something there to fill that gap." Goodfellow replied.

"He better not." I said. "Oh and before you go, can you call the Father to come here." I asked.

"Ok then." Goodfellow said.

He got up and left me in these dreading four walls, now I was really getting sick of them. I wonder if Father Brown has noticed that I don't have a motive?

Murder in Kembleford (#4 in the series) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora