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Anessa in her human form sits on the luscious green grass of the hill thinking about something that was more than just of mere importance to her. Her eyes captivated by the sight and all she could do was shed tear after tear and hear Snow's hollow and melancholy whimpers.

"Ness..." Emerging from the trees behind her was a sullen looking Brian who completely understood her emotions.

"It's just... too hard. I can't do this without him Brian. I need him. I need him here." All he could do was hold her as her fragile heart broke in two with a force times two.

"I know Ness... I know. We'll get through this. His death happened for a reason and you need to understand that, the sooner the better." She couldn't disagree with him; her crying composure wouldn't allow her to.

"Come on Ness, let's go home." The walk back to the pack house was disheartening and slow, it just drowned the already negative atmosphere into a spiral of endless darkness that would not disappear.

As her feet stepped through the entrance of the pack house, her soul died a little more; if that were even possible. All chatter ceased and eerie silence trotted the house with content; no one dared to utter a sound once they casted their eyes upon her brokenhearted figure.

Hearing a room door close shut, everyone sighed.

"This time is hard for everyone, especially her. It's the one day of the year where I feel as though I don't have any children because they are both dead." Abigaille's eyes were rimmed with a few tears but she wiped them away as quickly as they escaped.

"I tried to help her Abigaille, I really did-"

Abigaille sniffed, "I understand Brian. No one else can help her, well, except for one person." Everyone nodded their heads in agreement and stared solemnly at the staircase where Anessa curled in a fetal position on her bed and wallowed in sadness.


"It's been seven months Martha and we still haven't solved this yet. Can't you contact the Moon Goddess and ask her to give you some sort of sign or even a hint?" Martha sighed at gradually placed her body on a chair in front of him.

"I did John. All she responded was that more than one person knew already and that soon, all will be revealed. Emphasis on soon she said."

"Do we know who knows?"

"At this point John, I don't even think that they know they know. In the meantime, let's just keep trying and see what we find."

Nothing else had to be said before the engaged in a serious grind that could not be interrupted with the biggest of distractions.


"She's been in her room for almost half of the day Kyle." Abigaille was losing hope in her frantic state; one that could not be comforted by anyone.

"I know Abigaille but she'll come down, she always does." Anessa very well knew what today was; Liam's death anniversary.

Aside from the day where the death of every pack member was mourned, Liam had a special day where his presence in this pack was commemorated. He was known to be the Lost Alpha or the Fallen Alpha to everyone that either knew him of knew of him.

Many said it would engrain a message in the minds of all the pack members of the Barbaric Shadows to change their ways and make amends but those who had those opinions never even thought about them again because well, you can probably guess why.

Others had a different perspective of the whole situation; a better perspective. It was one where maybe his death would give rise to the first female Alpha, one that would shock the entire werewolf population and give hope to many other she wolves that would hopefully want to be like her on day.

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