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"Scott... How?... Why?..." She was flabbergasted. How could this happen?

"Let me spare you the details 'Baby'" His last word was laced with venom, almost as though he was disgusted to even say it. 

She was confusticated, what details were there? 

Still, she was unable to see his face as he began to speak again, "If you didn't realize yet, we were never mates. I mean, who would want you as a mate? So pathetic, worthless...You should have died instead of your brother. He would have been the Alpha that you could never ever compare to." 

She could say nothing. On some level, Anessa agreed with him, no one  could ever replace Liam. Anessa truly knew that her presence as Alpha would never compare to Liam's. 

"I'm guessing you're wondering how I made you think that I'm your mate right? Johnathon, leave us." 

As he left, the cell got slightly brighter, almost to an extent where she could barely see his face, the face of the man that she thought she loved. 

"Now, let me explain. The wolves that attacked your pack's school was all part of my plan, though most died, it was the first step in the right direction. My wolves were able to infiltrate your territory undetected through means of witchcraft. Their scents and touch were merely undetected for a certain amount of time, that's how you couldn't hear them crashing through the window." 

Witchcraft? Seriously? 

"Witchcraft? There's no such thing." She refused to believe it. 

"Well I would beg to differ Anessa." 

"That cant be the only logical explanation." 

"Actually, it is. How else do you explain someone like me falling for a wolf like you?" 

'How else do you explain someone like me falling for a wolf like you?' His words seem to echo in her mind and bounce off its walls to remain a little while longer in order to torment her a little more. 

The question kept lingering in her mind, was she a terrible mate? She knew she had some questionable traits about her but were they really that terrible for him to refer to her in that manner? 

"The magic made my scent imitate the one of your mate so that you would think that I was your mate and to even make it believable, I slipped myself some to force myself to be your mate." 

The words struck a nerve. She guessed she was really that terrible

"So keeping me here was all a joke. Taking me away from my territory, keeping me here and introducing me to everyone was all part of a game? A plot? Your plan?" 

"I guess that only female Alpha really is smart but don't you think it's a little too late? You've already lost, you've just guaranteed my victory against you." 

How could she have not noticed? 

She's supposed to be trained to recognize these things before they actually happen. What's happened to her? 

"I've never thought that you would be so gullible to actually believe this whole ordeal. I guess little girls really are naive."

"Was it your doing when Monique died?" I had to know...I needed to know. 

"Who are you talking about?" Well, one of the incidents had been explained but she still had trouble to face. 

What had she gotten herself into? 

Only one thing's for sure though, there's only one set of people that could rescue her and for Anessa's sake, they need to come quickly. 


The Ruthless She WolfWhere stories live. Discover now